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Monday, October 3, 2011

All You Really Need

And those who know Your name will put their trust in You, for You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You. Psalm 9:10 NASB At the very moment Darnly Motter was giving birth to her third child in the delivery room, her husband, Larry, was one floor below having a blood clot removed from his brain. These are the kind of paradoxes that entered the Motters’ world the day their car crashed on a lonely stretch of South Dakota highway, leaving Larry in a coma with severe brain damage. When he returned to consciousness, he was partially paralyzed and his short-term memory was gone. For all intents and purposes, he was another baby in the Motter household. There were people who advised Darnly to find Larry a comfortable place to live - to set him up in a nursing home - so that she could get on with life. But Darnly knew she couldn’t do that. Making a home with Larry - even the new Larry he had become - was part of keeping her wedding vows, she believed. Over the years, she has often cried herself to sleep at night, and she has occasionally succumbed to the heavy undertow of depression. Her lonely walk as the only “adult” in her marriage has left her feeling maddeningly desperate. But when times get the murkiest, she remembers, “I don’t need answers; I just need God.” That, my friend, is a faith statement - something that people who walk by feelings can’t say, because it demands that they know and trust God enough to be able to handle the challenges He often allows into life. Faith like this brings freedom and peace, even in the midst of the storms of life, known only by those who choose to set their dial and choose to live by the trusted timeless truths of Scriptures. When life isn’t fair, God is still there - to make sure you have everything you need to hang in there yourself. Please comment below or send me an email at curtis.songer@gmail.com

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