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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Leadership Principle of Timing: Joshua Begins with a Divine Call & Charge

God speaking to Joshua: “No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you.”
Joshua 1:5

Consider this: It took 40 years for Joshua’s leadership style to match the need of the moment. Moses led diplomatically. He sat and judged the people patiently as they grumbled through long years in the desert. By the time the Israelites reached Canaan, fierce enemies awaited them – and they needed a much more confrontational leader, a military man skilled in war. Joshua enters the scene. Note the differences between Moses and Joshua and see how timing can dictate appropriate leadership styles:

1. Moses led through 40 years of desert travel. Joshua led through 30 years of conquering Canaan.

2. Moses was a political, diplomatic leader. Joshua was a military, in-your-face leader.

3. Moses patiently listened to complaints. Joshua confronted laziness and fear of the enemy.

4. Moses led the people as a peacemaking shepherd. Joshua led the people as a tough commander.

5. Moses provided water from a rock when the people got thirsty. Joshua told the people to dig their own wells when they got thirsty.

When the right leadership style and the right timing come together, incredible things happen. Great leaders learn to take the right action at the right time.
Does your leadership style need to adapt to new circumstances at this time? Have you been having trouble “getting traction”? Truth@Life can help you, regardless of your location. Call 248-396-6255 or email me at curtis.songer@gmail.com for a free consultation.

If you receive value from these blogs, please consider donating to keep this blog site up and running. This ministry cannot continue without the generous donations of its readers. Just click on the "Donate" button in the upper right. For more info on help I can provide check out http://truthatlife.com/ or email me directly at curtis.songer@gmail.com 

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