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1. Church Stuff - things pertaining to the evangelical Christian Church of today
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Friday, December 14, 2012

Last Chance to Get a Great Deal on Coaching Services!

As previously announced, I must raise the fees for my coaching services at the end of the year. So this is the last chance to get in at the old rates which are about 40% below the competitive market rate before there is a substantial increase in the cost of my services. From a personal standpoint, if you suffer from any of the following I can help you: 1. Do you feel your talents are not well utilized and you’re not as productive as you would like to be? 2. Do you need more time in the day or do you need better work/life balance? 3. Do you lack well-documented long-term goals that you consistently achieve? 4. Is there room for improvement in your relationships with your spouse, children, supervisor, and/or co-workers? 5. Do you have difficulty influencing and motivating others to your way of thinking? 6. Does your life lack purpose and meaning; are you disappointed in the way it is turning out? 7. Would you like to see a change in any of the following aspects of your life: personal, family, vocation, faith, or community service? 8. Are you a young person needing assistance figuring out what career path to take that will be not only professional rewarding, but also personally fulfilling, and what decisions need to be made to pursue that career path? From a business standpoint, if any of the following describe your organization I can also help you: 1. Due to a growing or shrinking market are there changes required in your vision, strategies, initiatives, operating plans, processes and systems? Does the change require realignment of one of more of these with the others? 2. Do you have professionals in your organization that can manage but not lead? 3. Do you have employees that are great at executing tasks, but don’t relate well to others? 4. Do you have professionals that are great individual performers but need to improve as team players? 5. Do you have employees whose skills don’t seem to match the job they’re expected to perform? 6. Do you have professionals that need help managing their time well and/or setting the right priorities? 7. Do you have employees that seem to have most of the right skill sets, but still have trouble adapting to change or “getting the job done”? 8. Do you have professionals that unfortunately may need to leave your organization and move on? In general, I can be of significant assistance for any person or business, going through, or about to go through, a significant transition. Simply call 248-396-6255 or email me at curtis.songer@gmail.com for a free consultation. But act fast before the rates increase!

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