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Sunday, April 3, 2016

It’s a Beautiful Day, But I Can’t See It

A blind man once had a sign that read: “I’m blind, please help.”  He received few donations.  Then one day someone changed his sign so that it read, “It’s a beautiful day, but I can’t see it.”  He was never short on donations again.  Why?  Was it because it touched an emotional nerve in others?  Because it helped them to be grateful for what they had?  Or because he wasn’t asking for help that so many were now willing to give it to him?
In my work as a life & career coach, I run into a similar situation.  Many people I encounter everyday have a similar analogous struggle.  Their personal version of the story goes like this: “It’s a beautiful world, but I don’t live in it.  I exist in a world of stress and tasks and more work to do than I can possibly complete in one day.  I live in a world of demands and deadlines and reprimands for falling short.  I live in a world of bills and responsibilities with little opportunity for getting ahead.  I go from day to day with the same routine and don’t see a way out.  People tell me we should see work as a means to live.  I seem to only live to work.” 
We all inherently know that life is all about relationships.  Not work.  Not tasks.  Not stuff.  You never see a hearse pulling a U-Haul trailer of personal possessions to the cemetery.  You just can’t take it with you.  And no one lies on their deathbed and says, “I wish I had spent more time at the office!”  Yet the people we love need our financial support.  It’s one way that we show our love – by financially taking care of those we love.  So what’s the answer?
Find a job that you love…. and you will never have to work another day in your life.  If you are passionate about what you do, you will be diligent about doing it, you will get very good at it, and someone will pay you well for what you do.  Truth@Life can help you discover that passion…and find that job.  And you will never have to work another day in your life.  
Read more at…   www.truthatlife.com


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