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Monday, July 27, 2009

What is TLC? (August 8, 2008)

TLC@NCC stands for The Life Connection at New Community Church. This is a new discipleship training program on Thursday nights, beginning September 4th. During the Executive Pastors recent visits with you over the last 2 months, one thing has become clear: you would like more opportunities for deeper discipleship. You spoke – and we listened! TLC@NCC is our response. This is your opportunity to tell us what topic you are interested in studying and to dig in and learn.

We had two objectives in creating TLC@NCC. Deeper discipleship and something for everyone, all on one night. In John 15:4 the Jesus says, “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in Me.” By using the term “abide” Jesus is talking about staying connected to Him and drawing all we need for growth from Him. He is our “Life Connection”. Thursday night TLC@NCC is our mid-week Life Connection at New Community Church.

The Student Ministries programs, the Edge and The Revolution, remain virtually unchanged. They will now meet in the main sanctuary, on second floor of the church, as well as use additional classrooms in The Commons as necessary. In addition to Student Ministries, Kids Kingdom will expand into Thursday night. Constructive, nurturing, childcare will be available for Nursery through Pre-school. Kindergarten through Grade 5 will have a discipleship training program that will build upon the principles being taught on Sunday morning during Kid’s Kingdom and Family Time. A deeper approach, including Scripture memorization will be used. And all children will enjoy a recreational period and snack time. The Nursery through Grade 5 discipleship training will take place in The Commons, on the first floor of the church.

The adults’ topics will be selected based upon your feedback. Over the next few weeks, we will select several topical tracts to focus on. Once those have been selected, the specific topics will be chosen. The topical tracts under consideration include a Bible book study, a Family related topic, a Prayer ministry group, a Women’s Connection study, and a Special topic. More about these topics can be found in the Question of the Day article in this NCC Weekly Update. The adult studies will be small group oriented. They are not intended to replace your small group, they will simply “feel” like a small group study with about 12-18 people in a group. A knowledgeable instructor will facilitate the study. These studies will run approximately 12-13 weeks, once in the fall and once in the spring. One or two of the Adult electives will be held in The Lodge and one of two will be hosted at a member’s home very near the church. TLC@NCC programming on Thursday nights will begin approximately 6:30 P.M. Children and Adults will complete approximately 8:30 P.M.

How can you get involved? You can be involved in several ways:
1. Help us select the adult tracts and topics by responding to today’s Question of the Day and over the next few weeks.
2. Let us know you will be attending by signing up for a study when the sign-up sheets go out and tell us if your children will be participating.
3. Volunteer to serve in the Kid’s Kingdom or Student Ministries areas.
4. Volunteer to teach an adult elective class.
5. Volunteer host an Adult elective course in your home for a 12 week period.

Please post a response below or email me at csonger@new-communitychurch.org

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