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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Joseph: Using His Intuition – He Takes Effective Action in Times of Crisis

The Lord was with Joseph and he was a successful man. Genesis 39: 2 Joseph was a man familiar with trials and difficulties. He was outcast by his brothers, sold into slavery, falsely accused, thrown in prison, and managed a nation through seven years of severe famine. But problems never paralyze great leaders; they know that solutions do exist. Scriptures show us that joseph accomplished much in his life, and was greatly blessed, because he had: (1) A significant vision from God. As a youth, Joseph knew God had something special in mind for him. (2) A vital; relationship with God. Scriptures tell us that the Lord was with Joseph. (3) A strong character developed through difficulties. With each new trial, Joseph grew stronger. (4) Practical experience gained through life. Joseph grew in ability and experience when he took charge of the prison. (5) A special giftedness from God. Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams enabled him to make a difference in many lives. (6) A unique blessing from God. Four times in the Bible it expresses God’s blessing of Joseph with some version of, “whatever he did, the Lord made it prosper.” Please comment below or email me directly at curtis.songer@gmail.com

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