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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Profiles in Leadership: Aaron – The Expectation and Cost of Leadership

About three thousand men of the people fell that day. Exodus 32:28 Aaron, like many leaders throughout history, received a divine calling. God chose Aaron and his sons to serve as Israel’s high priests and charged them with carrying out the rituals and sacrifices on behalf of all Israelites. Scripture gives meticulous detail to their ordination and calling. Their conduct was to be beyond reproach – and God made it crystal clear that failure to uphold His established guidelines would result in death. Numerous accounts in the book of Leviticus demonstrate the high expectation and cost that goes with a holy calling to leadership positions. As the high priest, Aaron was the only one authorized to enter the Most Holy Place and appear before the very presence of God. The Lord set Aaron apart for His holy work. Despite his high calling, Aaron struggled with his authority and later caved in to the depraved wishes of the people. He failed at a crucial juncture and led Israel in a pagan worship service, an abomination that led to the deaths of many Israelites. Aaron had been set apart for God’s service, but he chose to live and lead otherwise. The failure of a leader usually results in consequences far more grave than the fall of a non-leader. On the day that Aaron failed, about 3,000 men died. When leaders fail, followers pay the price. You are called to be a leader. God has called you to influence and positively impact the lives of others. Whether at home, in your neighborhood, at church, or in your vocation – you will influence the lives of others and you are therefore a leader. Consequently, you cannot escape the high expectations of your calling. How are you doing? Will there be a great reward to be reaped from the result of your leadership or a heavy cost to be paid? I’d love to talk to you personally. For more on help I can provide and how you can reach me, check out… http://truthatlife.com/ or email me directly at curtis.songer@gmail.com

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