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Monday, February 6, 2012

What Fills Your Heart?

Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.” Mark 10:21 Let’s get one thing straight. Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to sell all his possessions because He was disgusted with Him. He did not tell the rich young ruler to sell all his possessions because He wanted the money. Jesus told him to sell all his possessions because He loved him. Sound strange? Jesus wants each of us to love Him wholeheartedly, but we can’t love him that way if our hearts are full of anything or anyone else. Idolatry isn’t just about little statues. Anything that takes first place in our hearts instead of God is the definition of idolatry. We can make anything an idol if it takes first place in our hearts: a spouse or children, work, hobbies, wealth, fame, beauty, or possessions. Jesus pinpointed the one thing that kept this young man from experiencing the richness of a relationship with God: money. The remedy for idolatry isn’t a half-way measure. Idols must be ripped out of our hearts and replaced with God Himself. Since money was this man’s idol, Jesus didn’t mince words, “Sell your stuff and give all the money to the poor.” Jesus didn’t tell anyone else to do this, but when He points out an idol in anyone’s life, He requires radical surgery. Nothing else will do. When we loosen our grip on our idols, we can take up the cross of obedience and loyalty to Christ and follow Him wherever He leads. This is the “abundant life” in all its richness that only Christ can give. Has the Holy Spirit pointed out any idol in your heart today? If so, what will you do about it? I’d love to talk to you personally. For more on help I can provide and how you can reach me, check out… http://truthatlife.com/ or email me directly at curtis.songer@gmail.com 

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