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Sunday, January 1, 2012

True Peace, Joy, Contentment, and Meaning in the New Year

It gave me great joy when some believers came and testified about your faithfulness to the truth, telling how you continue to walk in it. 3 John 1:3 My personal mission and calling in life is to bring greater peace, joy, contentment, and meaning to people such as yourself by helping to transform lives to become more as God intended them to be. As stated in my blog introduction, this site is dedicated to sharing the lessons God has taught me from 30 years’ experience in the business world of management consulting, as a husband, a father of 6, and in fulltime vocational ministry as an Executive Pastor, & Life Coach. For true peace, joy, contentment, and meaning a person must be willing to evaluate their life from an internal, external, and eternal perspective. Internally, you need to better understand yourself and how you are a unique blend of your natural personality, spiritual gifts, innate talents, specialized skills and knowledge, personal interests and passions, life experiences, and driving motivations. You have to be able to answer the following questions: Who am I really? How well do I know my strengths and weaknesses? Am I satisfied with my personal development or is there something I want to change? Is my desire to change a reasonable expectation – based on my unique design – is this change even possible for me to achieve? Externally, you need to better understand your world around you and the relationships that make it up. Relationships at home and at work define much of your external world. Are these relationships everything you want them to be or is there something you would like to see changed? If there is an opportunity to improve, you define and implement the changes you desire in your personal and professional relationships whether they be husband-wife, parent-child, manager-subordinate, or horizontally with co-workers. Eternally, everyone wants to believe they are here for a reason and that their life is making a difference, that they are leaving a legacy and making a lasting impact. Do you know what yours is? What is your unique God-given calling or purpose? Are you satisfied that when you’re gone, your life will have mattered and that the lives of those around you will have been eternally impacted? Are you satisfied with the progress you have made thus far in your life? For true fulfillment, you need to be able to identify your calling, assess the impact you are making, and develop a life mission and life plan for maximizing the impact you can have with the time remaining that God has allotted for you. I have helped people evaluate these perspectives of their life for over 20 years, but this is what I do now fulltime – it’s my calling and my passion. If I can assist you in any way, contact me at the email address below. Remember, your greater life fulfillment through personal, godly transformation is my personal life mission and singular desire. It doesn’t matter where you are located, I can work with you by email and phone or in person. So if you have an area of your life where you feel frustrated or are in need of making a change, contact me – I can and want to help. For more info check me out at... http://truthatlife.com/ or email me directly at curtis.songer@gmail.com

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