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Monday, December 2, 2013

Managing Your Time & Activities

One of the main causes of the pressure that invades our lives is our unwillingness to discard optional responsibilities - not because they're a waste of time, but simply because they distract us from the main goals of our lives. So how do you decide? How do you determine what to invest your time in and what not to? For many of us, we let the tyranny of the urgent dictate what we do next. The tyranny of the urgent occurs when we focus on what is due next, what has to be done before it is too late. For others, we get involved in a lot of really great things - some with a mission or purpose that we truly believe in. Examine any one of these activities and you would say they are very worthwhile. However, taken all together they are quite overwhelming and don't seem to progress us toward our main goals in life (if we even have goals that are well defined). So how do we decide what deserves out limited time - the only commodity in life that we cannot manufacture more of? The key lies in priorities that have been derived from specific goals in each of our five life dimensions: personal, family, faith, vocation, and community. These goals should have been developed from an assessment of where our lives are today versus a clear vision of where we are headed. And the vision should be one that is in complete alignment with a well defined life mission (our purpose for living). When these items exist, it becomes fairly easy to hold up any current activity against the mission, vision, goals, and priorities and say this supports my life's direction or not. In addition, new activities that would consume our time and efforts can also be held up against these and evaluated for whether we should be involved or not. When adhering to this process, "no" has can be one of the most liberating words you will ever use. Could you use some help in eliminating some of the activities in your life to achieve a more manageable and less stressful lifestyle? Have you developed a priority and time management system based on you life's mission, vision, and goals? Truth@Life can help. Call 248-396-6255 or email me at curtis.songer@gmail.com for a FREE consultation. For more info on help I can provide check out http://truthatlife.com/

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