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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Transitioning From the Corporate World to Self-Employment

By 2030, there will be more self-employed people in the workforce that there will be full-time employees. Are you prepared for this new economy? Corporations today are doing several things to make self-employment for attractive than ever. First they are flattening their organizational structure, providing fewer opportunities for getting promoted and moving up to a more senior level. Second, as they are retiring employees at a younger age. Most corporations now are targeting age 55 with severance and early retirement packages. Third, as they eliminate the jobs at the top, they only create new lower-paying positions at the entry level. Fourth, lacking faith in the economy and their sales/marketing functions, there is a conscious decision by most corporations to under-employ. That means they plan to staff a maximum of 80% of the employees they think they will need and fill in the gap with sub-contractors. This makes down-turns in the business much easier to manage. These strategic forces are combining to move our economy to one where there will be more self-employed people in the workforce than there are full-time employees by 2030. Will you be one of them? Do you have what it takes to be self-employed? The answer to this question is a function of several things: your personality and gifting, your marketable skills and abilities, your passion for autonomy, your financial situation, your energy levels, etc. These “soft side” issues are really more important than your knowledge for how to get started. But once you have assessed that you do have what it takes to be an entrepreneur, you have to get organized. That takes the form of developing a business plan. To be continued tomorrow... Thinking of starting your own business? Considering a transition from the corporate world to self-employment? Read more at http://www.truthatlife.com/. Call 248-396-6255 or email me at curtis.songer@gmail.com for a FREE consultation. For more info on help I can provide check out http://truthatlife.com/

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