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Saturday, October 24, 2015

FREE Career & College Selection Workshop on Monday Evening, October 26th!!!

Save Yourself $30,000 & 2 Years While Helping Your Teen Identify their Life Calling, Career, & College

Just released results from a USA Today research study:  Only 33% of college students have their bachelors degree after 4 years and only 50% have them after 8 years!  Really?  Really!!!

I have a streamlined process for helping young people select the most appropriate career path for themselves, one that is not only professionally rewarding bet even more importantly, personally fulfilling.

Parents who have attended these sessions say the program has saved them over $30,000 per child!  By avoiding the 2 extra years of college that typically occur from students going to college undecided or by changing their major after they arrive, studies show you can save at least $30,000 in college expenses.  

100% of the students who have participated in our program have graduated in the major they declared when they entered college - and in 4 years or less!  Even more importantly, they experienced a substantial increase in self-esteem, became better life-long decision makers, and dramatically increased their enthusiasm about school right now!

The following is a FREE workshop:
Monday, October 26th, at 7pm 
Best Western Hotel, 300 Gateway Drive, Bethlehem, PA  18017

If you know of a young person that could benefit from this workshop, please pass this message along to them.   This is a great opportunity for students in the metro Philadelphia and Leigh Valley areas. 

In addition, we currently have a few openings in our vocational calling coaching services.  Contact me soon if interested in learning more about how we can assist your student in this important area of their life.


Curtis Songer
Principal, Truth@Life
Career Planning, Life Planning & Professional Development
