Have you ever confronted the pace in which you have been living? Consider the following:
— Social media and the pace of life today make it easy to be distracted from our what our real priorities should be.
— Many of us need to get back into important conversations that matter, ones that make a difference in our lives.
— If we don’t set specific goals, in all our life dimensions, and track our progress, we are going to end up someplace we don’t want to be.
— If we don’t set boundaries and rules, we are going to end up spending energy that does not move us in the direction of our goals.
— Consider this quote from Mark Batterson, “A change of pace + a change of place = a change of perspective.”
— By periodically getting away to a new place with a new pace, we have the opportunity to gain a new perspective.
— New perspectives can be life transforming!
When was the last time you experienced a positive, lasting, life transformation? Perhaps it's time. Time to get away to a new place, to live life at a different pace - even if only for a little while - to plan for a new direction. Let the transformation begin!
For more truth about life, see... www.truthatlife.com