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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Why Pray?

Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles.
Luke 6:12-13

There are so many reasons why it is a good idea to pray. It gives us peace, we are commanded to, we communicate with God through pray, we discover His will. The list is long.

Even Jesus took time to pray. We see it frequently in His life usually when He was undergoing a difficulty or trial, or when He was about to tap into God’s awesome and miraculous power, or when (as in the above verse) He needed wisdom – to know God’s will.

If Jesus, the Son of God, would spend an entire night in prayer – seeking to know God’s will and to have the wisdom that only God can provide, then how much more should we spend time in prayer? This is especially true when we need the peace that only He can provide, we need His wisdom about a decision we are facing, or we’re seeking to know His will so we can obediently follow.

Just as it was for Jesus, prayer is the key to unlocking God’s power. Spend time in prayer. There is no need so small, or problem so big, that He does not want you to bring it to Him in prayer.

Please comment below or email me at csonger@new-communitychurch.org


  1. I struggle with this on occasion. Like a spoiled child I want my answers NOW. I also would like physical, tangible responses. Like Job I wonder where God is. I certainly don't see Him in His people. How can you maintain faith through crisis? I guess that's what faith is.

  2. Blind Faith,

    Check out my response to your comment on "What Can God do for Me Today?". My thoughts here are very similar to that response.

    I'll be praying for you!

