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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Margin for Error

Many plans are in a man's heart, but the counsel of the Lord will stand.
Proverbs 19:21

C. S. Lewis once said, "We must stop regarding unpleasant or unexpected things as interruptions of real life. The truth is that interruptions are real life." It's essential to build some margin into your schedule - the wiggle room necessary to accommodate immediate needs while allowing for unexpected demands and disruptions.

It means framing your obligations in larger time blocks than they really require, just in case traffic is exceptionally bad or you're delayed leaving the house. It means agreeing on the number of evenings or weekends you will tie up each month with outside activities. It means talking together about possible commitments before you say yes, to keep yourselves from living too close to the edge.

You can't prepare for some things, no matter how well you plan. But most schedule shocks can be absorbed by building in a margin, leaving space for surprises. I’m not very good at this myself, but I’m trying. You can be praying for me in this area.

Please comment below or email me at curtis.songer@gmail.com

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