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Friday, January 27, 2012

The Secret of Contentment

Actually, I don’t have a sense of needing anything personally. I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I’m just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Philippians 4:11-12 Many of us have some mixed up ideas about contentment. We think that if we can ever have this certain thing, our life will be better. Or if we can avoid that bad thing, then we’ll be really happy. And there may be nothing wrong with hoping to avoid a really bad tragedy – but that does not lead to true contentment. If we really thought about it, we’d realize that we know plenty of people that have this, or have successfully avoided that, but still aren’t any happier than we are. There must be a secret we haven’t discovered. There is – and Paul tells us about it in the Scripture above. Paul had learned the secret of contentment. He realized that possessions, fame, beauty, and other earthly things can be pleasant for a while, but they can never produce genuine contentment. That comes from the inside. We experience true contentment when external things lose their grip on our hearts and don’t matter much anymore. Happiness isn’t having what you want, it’s wanting what you have. Jealousy, envy, and greed suck the life – and sense of contentment – out of us. Replace those joy killers with gratitude for what you have, and watch your “joy factor” soar! What are some steps you need to take to learn the secret of true contentment? I’d love to talk to you personally. For more on help I can provide and how you can reach me, check out… http://truthatlife.com/ or email me directly at curtis.songer@gmail.com

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