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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Clear Conscience

Vindicate me, O Lord, For I have walked in my integrity. I have also trusted in the Lord; I shall not slip. Psalm 26:1 A clear conscience is a glorious thing. When we can go to bed at night without having to relive situations and rethink conversations to make sure we don’t get caught in lies, we can enjoy sweet sleep. And when we talk to our spouse and children or look at a colleague at work, we can look them in the eye because we don’t have any fear of being caught in fabrications of the truth. Only then can we pray, “Vindicate me, O Lord, For I have walked in my integrity”, with confidence when someone challenges us. Why do we lie (or as we might say, exaggerate the truth – put spin on it)? We might be trying to look good to someone else, we might want to avoid blame for something we’ve done, or we may have simply developed a bad habit of shading the truth. Trusting God gives us the strength to face the sometimes painful facts of our lives – even if we’ve lied. When we’ve failed we can embrace God’s forgiveness, confess our deception to the person we’ve lied to, and choose the path of truth again. How clear is your conscience today? What would it be worth for you to walk in integrity? I’d love to talk to you personally. For more on help I can provide and how you can reach me, check out… http://truthatlife.com/ or email me directly at curtis.songer@gmail.com

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