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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Announcing a Free Public Information Session: How to Change Your Job Before Your Employer Does It for You (& What to do When He Has)

The average person today changes jobs every 3 years. They go through a complete re-tooling and change careers every 10 years. Some of this is by choice. Unfortunately, some is not. For those who choose to change, the most common reasons are to get better pay, to leave a “bad boss”, to get out of a toxic environment (e.g., bad relationships with co-workers), to seek better work/life balance and less stress, and seek a more fulfilling job. For those who are forced into unemployment, the reasons given by management are economic downturns, poor performance, and the need to replace older, more costly employees with younger, cheaper employees. Some of these reasons are bogus. But whatever the case, this is becoming more common every year with layoffs at some major companies as frequent as every 3 months. A series of free public information sessions are coming up to discuss how to plan for and manage a vocational transition on your own terms, how to minimize the impact on you if it has already occurred, and how to keep this from happening again. You only need to attend one of these sessions. They will be held at the following locations and times: 1. Panera Bread in Cranberry, PA 20111 Route 19 Sunday, August 11 at 7:00 PM 2. Panera Bread in Wexford, PA 12071 Perry Highway Tuesday, August 13 at 8:00 PM 3. Panera Bread in Oakland, PA 3800 Forbes Ave. Thursday, August 15 at 6:30 PM 4. An Online Webinar may be offered for those not in the Pittsburgh Metro Area Time and date to be determined Send an email if interested in this option Refreshments will be served. Pre-registration is not required, but space is limited and pre-registration is the only way to guarantee your seat. Simply respond with the location, date, and time you plan to attend to: Curtis Songer Principal, Truth@Life Organizational Planning, Life Planning & Leadership Development curtis.songer@gmail.com 248-396-6255

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