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Friday, January 10, 2014

Power Corrupts

Some leaders' rise to power and influence can only be described as meteoric. Such an ascent often leads to pride and to the assumption that one is an exception to the rules. We all know that power tends to corrupt. As a leader, you may already have felt its corrupting claws in your own flesh. How can a leader remain uncorrupted by power. From what Scripture tells us, Joseph avoided financial impropriety, political scandal, and sexual seduction. He stayed unstained to the end. What was the key to Joseph’s integrity? He saw his leadership as a holy stewardship for which he would someday stand accountable to God. Moral authority comes from a completely surrendered heart, an unsoiled mind, and a clean conscience before God. Joseph had the kind of integrity that led to moral authority and he kept it throughout his entire lifetime. Do you struggle with the temptations that often come with leadership? Do you have difficulty remaining humble in the light of your success? Truth@Life can help. Call 248-396-6255 or email me at curtis.songer@gmail.com for a FREE consultation. For more info on help I can provide check out http://truthatlife.com/

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