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Monday, August 15, 2016


Please note, there is a minor error in the address for tonight's meeting! The meeting will take place at the same street address, but in Auburn Hills, Michigan.....
Help Your Teen Identify their Life Calling, Career, & College

Monday, August 15th at 7:00pm
Homeschool Connections Office, 2685 Lapeer Rd. Suite #105
Lake Orion, Michigan 48326
(It's acress Zelma Street from Hoops Bar & Grill. Please park in their lot)

Tuesday, August 16th at 7:00pm
Five Points Church
3411 Walton Blvd.
Auburn Hills, MI  48326

This is a FREE
informational session

Join us for this FREE informational Session

Please use the LINK below to RSVP!!

Help Your Teen Identify Their Life Calling, Career, & College

presented by Larry Bates & Curtis Songer of Truth@Life Transformation Coaching & Consulting

These sessions are of tremendous value in helping your teen:
            Identify their life purpose
            See how that maps to their career calling
            Improve their confidence and self-esteem,
            And help them become better life-long decision makers. 

Parents who have attended these sessions say the program has saved them over $30,000 per child in tuition!  Come and see how.

This information session is Ideal for student finishing 8th grade through college.

Invite anyone you may know who may be one of the following situations:

1.  You have many talents & are not sure what to do with them. 
2.  You are stressed about feeling a lack of direction and purpose. 
3.  School aptitude test suggests you to go into a career that does not interest you.
4.  You are headed to college in the next year, but don't know what to major in.
5.  You are already at college and are considering changing your major.
6.  You have graduated from college and think you may have made a mistake.
7.  You are just starting out and need guidance in getting started in your career. 

Many Homeschool Connections families have found Mr. Songer's program very helpful for their students. He understands and works with many homeschooling teens as well as teens from public and private schools. He is also a professor at a Christian College in Pennsylvania and understands the college acceptance process very well. Through Truth@ Life, he has helped over 100 students determine their degree, choose their college and find their life pathway.

Curtis and Larry also help adults who are contemplating their Life Calling and Purpose so feel free to come and join us for your own information as well! 

Call or email Mr. Songer for more information:

Presented by
Curtis Songer
Principal, Truth@Life
Transformation Coaching & Consulting

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