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Monday, July 26, 2010

Peer Pressure At My Age?

The fear of man brings a snare, but he who trusts in the LORD will be exalted.
Proverbs 29:25

I used to think peer pressure only showed up in parenting books and situations facing teenagers. I thought it was something you outgrew. But I remember sitting in a business meeting one time with a roomful of Christian leaders and being asked to vote on a particular issue. The man seated next to me - a very outspoken individual - held a strong opinion that was different from mine and several others in the room who I knew well. And during the debate that ensued, I chose to keep silent about my convictions.

Finally, we were asked to stand up to indicate a yes vote on the measure. My friend stood quickly to his feet. He wasn't the only one. Many others were rising in support. I can still feel the rumblings that clashed inside me. Even though I'm against this, I thought, how can I stay seated when one of my best friends is standing - when this whole place appears to be standing?

One of my dear friends, with deep-seated convictions to the contrary then did what every preadolescent and teenager is tempted to do: he caved in, and stood up. Now he could clearly see two who remained seated, our other friend and me, opposing the motion. Just two. It took great courage and convictions to remain seated.

Peer pressure. It happens, not just in school locker rooms and hallways, but around the lunch table with work associates, in the homes of people who are more affluent, during adult conversations when you don't want to admit who you really are or what you truly believe. The fear of being different or disagreeable doesn't leave you when you reach adulthood. It changes clothes but keeps the same skeleton.

What I needed that day was integrity; the character to vote for what we knew was right. How about you? Are you facing some decision right now that is being influenced by peer pressure?

Please comment here or email me at curtis.songer@gmail.com

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