No one would deny that we have a leadership crisis in America today. It exists in most all spheres of our society: government, business, the family, and even the church. There is a lack of leadership in government. Few would agree that we have the proper leadership we require to turn this country and its economy around. Instead we have politicians who are more concerned about reelection than about making and implementing the difficult (and likely unpopular) decisions required to set things back on the right track.
There is a lack of leadership in business. Due to ever increasing global competition and cost reduction pressures, there is a disturbing, growing trend of authoritative, tyrannical leadership styles in the workplace. This style is short-sighted, lacking vision, and not focused on making the longer term investments necessary to ensure the next generation of leaders are being appropriately groomed now. As a result, many work environments have become dominated by management that manipulates the workers through stress and fear.
There is a lack of leadership even in the Church. Far too many pastors, priests, and teachers have adopted a style of compromise. Some have become fearful of proclaiming the truth for worry of offending someone. In addition, in the spirit of cultural relevance, some have fallen back on the use of worldly gimmicks (e.g., come to the special event and win a iPod). And some have become inwardly focused on feeding their congregations from Scripture without encouraging them to exercise what they have been taught by serving others in need. And we all know where overeating without exercise will get you!
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, there is a lack of leadership in the home. These same workers, who spend 10 - 12 hours per day in the work environment described above, come home exhausted mentally and physically – in no shape to actively engage with their family members and to lead their families in dealing with the many issues that face the modern-day family in our society. And even if mom/dad did have the energy, the 10 – 12 hours of constant beat-down at work weakens them. They find it difficult, if not impossible, to immediately shift gears and become the resilient servant-leader their family needs when they walk through the door of their home.
So clearly, we have a leadership crisis. Statistician George Barna asserts the most critical problem facing society today is the leadership vacuum that grew during the Twentieth Century and remains a glaring problem. John Maxwell, renown author on leadership, believes that all chance for success rises and falls on leadership. More than anything else, the leadership of any group or organization (including families) will determine its success or failure.
But how does this impact you? Leadership is simply positively influencing and impacting others – nothing more, nothing less. If you are responsible for influencing the lives of people in your workplace, in your family, in your church, or in your community, you are a leader – and you need to optimize your leadership skills. One of the most important leadership principles is the principle that, “Leadership ability determines a person’s level of effectiveness.” That is key when working with others. Greater than resources, money, talent, or intelligence, leadership makes the difference when it comes to making an impact. Consequently, the key to increasing your effectiveness is to increase your leadership ability. If you desire to have an impact on others and to leave a lasting legacy, you must become a person of influence – a leader.
Where do most people go to learn leadership? The answer to that question today is that they search in many places. Some examine the world of politics. Other seek models in the entertainment industry. Still others turn to the world of business. Most people seem to look to successful CEOs, management consultants, and theoreticians with Ph.D.s to learn about leadership. But the truth is, the best source of leadership teaching today is the same as it has been for thousands of years. If you want to learn leadership, go to the greatest book on leadership ever written – the Bible.
When studied with the appropriate guidance and focus, the Bible has the potential to change your life and the course of your development as a leader. Leadership principles have been woven into it by the One who invented leadership. There are at least 22 leadership principles and 21 leadership qualities dealing with over 80 leadership issues in the Holy Scriptures. Who could possibly teach us more about leadership than God Himself. Combined with the teachings and illustrations of the Bible, I have combined the content of 20 of the greatest works from 10 of the greatest Christian and business authors, to compile a faith-based leadership development curriculum.
I am inviting you to be a part of this remarkable opportunity. Currently forming are small groups focused on studying this curriculum of faith-based leadership principles. Local groups will meet in person. For those who are not able to meet in person, virtual groups are also forming that will meet by phone and online. I will merely be your humble guide and facilitator. We will all learn from God, His servants, and each other. If you are interested, please email me at or call me at 248-396-6255 and I will provide you with more information. As I have stated before, in all my experience as a teacher, coach, and mentor, I have never seen such a powerful course of study, that could assist such a broad group of people (remember, we’re all leaders), at a time of such urgent need.
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1. Church Stuff - things pertaining to the evangelical Christian Church of today
2. Leadership Corner - concepts on management & leadership
3. Two Becoming One - principles of marriage enrichment
4. Train Up a Child - principles of parenting
5. Personal Thoughts - my mental ramblings on how God is growing me
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