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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Leadership Quality of Self Discipline: Growing on the Inside (part 2 of 2)

These are the journeys of the children of Israel, who went out of the land of Egypt by their armies under the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Numbers 33:1

Continued from part 1…

We must make progress on the inside before we can make progress on the outside, because the journey of growth and success is first an internal one. The first person you lead is you – and you can’t lead effectively without self-discipline.

In the last blog on this topic I explained the first 2 of the five action points to follow if you want to be a leader with self-discipline: First, develop and follow your priorities. Second, make a disciplined lifestyle your goal. In this blog, I will cover the next 3 of the five:

3. Challenge your excuses. Challenge and eliminate any tendencies you may have to make excuses. If you can name several reasons why you can’t be self-disciplined, realize that they are really just barriers to you success – all of which need to be challenged if you want to go to the next level.

4. Remove rewards until you finish the job. If you lack self-discipline, you may be in the habit of enjoying the dessert before eating your vegetables. Just like reward systems in a business, you can’t reward the shirkers and the workers equally. If you are not being productive and making disciplined progress, you can’t reward yourself yet.

5. Stay focused on the results. Any time you concentrate on the difficulty of the work instead of the results, you are likely to become discouraged. The next time you are facing a must-do task and you’re thinking of doing what’s convenient instead of paying the price, change your focus. Count the benefits of doing what’s right, and then dive in.

How is your self-discipline? Which of these five action points do you need to begin to emphasize in your life immediately?

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