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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Top 10 Personality Qualities of a Leader: Focus

But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ. Philippians 3:7-8 Continuing from yesterday, the "Top 10" personality qualities of an effective leader... Quality #6: Focus. In the words of Peters and Waterman in “In Search of Excellence”, a good leader must be able to ‘stick to the knitting’. Based on the mission and vision of the organization, they must be able to set goals, prioritize, plan, and resource based on what’s needed for change. They must maintain a focus on their primary objectives and strategies and not get distracted. In the Scripture above, Paul openly communicated his priorities. All the accomplishments and culture of his past he counted as rubbish in order to gain Christ. He wanted to know Christ and experience His power. He did all this for the purpose of attaining his goal (the resurrection). Paul is a leader on a mission. He narrowed his focus to the absolute essentials in order to not get distracted. How’s your “focus”? Truth@Life can help you, regardless of your location. Call 248-396-6255 or email me at curtis.songer@gmail.com for a free consultation. If you receive value from these blogs, please consider donating to keep this blog site up and running. This ministry cannot continue without the generous donations of its readers. Just click on the "Donate" button in the upper right. For more info on help I can provide check out http://truthatlife.com/ or email me directly at curtis.songer@gmail.com

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