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Sunday, May 4, 2014

All Leaders Have Ego (Part 2)

The fact that leaders in the middle of the organization are often hidden – and as a result they often don’t get the credit or recognition they deserve – can be a real ego buster. The challenge is to be a team player and remain content while contributing. Continued yesterday, here are some additional tips for doing that... 3. Find satisfaction in knowing the real reason for the success of a project: In his book, Good to Great, author Jim Collins writes about “level 5” leaders. These leaders usually led their organizations quietly and humbly. They were much more effective than the flashy, charismatic, high-profile leaders. One of the reasons that’s true is that these leaders understood that they didn’t really deserve all the credit for the success of their organization. The success came mainly from the people who got the work done – especially the leaders in the middle of the organization. When you do a job well, and you know the impact of the work that you did, that should give you great satisfaction and should motivate you. When you know you’re making a significant contribution, you need less external motivation. The definition of high morale is: “I make a difference.” 4. Embrace the compliments of others in the middle of the pack: There is no higher compliment than acknowledgement and appreciation from someone whose circumstances, position, or experience is similar to yours. A musician may enjoy a compliment from a fan, but praise from another accomplished musician means more. When an entrepreneur says someone is good at spotting an opportunity, you believe him/her. Likewise, when someone else who is leading from the middle of the organization tells you, “Well done,” you should take it to heart. Novelist Mark Twain once said, “One compliment can keep me going for a whole month.” Everyone enjoys kind word from the boss, and many seek them out. But the praise of a colleague who’s walked in your shoes really does mean more. 5. Understand the difference between self-promotion and selfless promotion: Sir Isaac Newton discovered the laws of gravity in the 1600s. When he introduced those laws to the scientific world, it revolutionized astronomical studies. But if it weren’t for Edmund Halley, Newton would not have been recognized as a great scientist. Halley was a sounding board for Newton’s ideas, he challenged Newton’s assumptions, he corrected Newton’s mathematical calculations, and he even drafted geometric diagrams to support Newton’s work. When Newton was hesitant to publish his ideas, Halley first convinced him to write the manuscript, then edited it and supervised its publication. Halley even financed the printing of it. The final work, Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, made Newton one of the most highly regarded thinkers in history. Halley understood the difference between self-promotion and selfless promotion. It was more important to him to see Newton’s ideas shared than to receive personal recognition for helping him. He knew how important those ideas were, and he wanted to get them out into the world. That’s what people do who understand selfless promotion. Self-promotion says, “If you don’t toot your own horn, no one else will toot it for you.” Selfless promotion says, “I just want to help the team make beautiful music!” Tim Sanders, author of Love is the Killer App, talks about the abundance mind-set. This was an idea promoted by Stephen Covey over a decade earlier. It states that there are plenty of resources, credit, and opportunities to go around. In fact, it is a scarcity mind-set that is at the root of most conflict. Leaders that excel in the middle of the pack have an abundance mind-set. And if you lead well from the middle of an organization, you won’t stay there forever. Good leadership always gets noticed. Are you struggling to be fulfilled with the limited recognition you receive? Truth@Life can help. Call 248-396-6255 or email me at curtis.songer@gmail.com for a FREE consultation. For more info on help I can provide check out http://truthatlife.com/

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