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Friday, May 16, 2014

Supporting Another Leader's Vision (Part 3)

Continued from yesterday... There are a number of ways people respond when leaders cast their vision and attempt to enlist them. The following continues our progression from the most negative to the most positive: 5. Champion It – Take the Leader’s Vision & Make it a Reality: Vision may begin with one person, but it is accomplished only through the efforts of many people. A good leader strives to take the top leader’s vision and move it from “me” to “we”. A famous leader once said, “The prospects never looked brighter and the problems never looked tougher. Anyone who isn’t stirred by both of those statements is too tired to be of much use to us in the days ahead.” Leaders who don’t accept the vision neither champion it nor transfer it to their followers. As a result, these leaders never contribute much to the overall success of the organization. 6. Add Value to It: The most positive response to a leader’s vision is to go beyond championing it and to actually add value to it. At that point, the vision becomes something more. It has greater value to the leader, greater value to the recipients of the vision, and greater value to the person who contributed to it. Not everyone gets the opportunity to add value to the vision. There is a prerequisite to getting the opportunity to do it, and that is championing the vision as it already exists. Once you have begun to add value to the vision, then you are no longer championing someone else’s vision; you are championing a vision to which you have contributed. If you are in the middle of an organization and struggling to support and implement someone else's vision, Truth@Life can help. Call 248-396-6255 or email me at curtis.songer@gmail.com for a FREE consultation. For more info on help I can provide check out http://truthatlife.com/

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