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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Want to Go Places (Part 5)?

Continued from yesterday - the final blog on this topic... It has been said, “The person who keeps busy helping the one who is below him, won’t have time to envy the person who is above him.” Here are some additional ideas on how you can develop an attitude of contentment and fulfillment for where you are in the organization... 5. Put the team above your personal success: When the stakes are high, good team members put the success of the team ahead of their own personal gains. An excellent example of this can be seen from the actions of two high-profile leaders of the British government during World War II – Winston Churchill and Clement Attlee. These two leaders could not have been more different. Churchill was a member of the conservative party, Attlee of the labor party. Churchill was fierce, fiery, and proud. Attlee was quiet and non-assuming. Churchill is quoted as having said of Attlee: “He is a modest man with much to be modest about.” Yet the two men served together admirably during the war for the sake of England. When Churchill was made the Prime Minister of England in 1940, he chose Attlee as a member of his war cabinet, eventually naming him deputy prime minister. In fact, Attlee was the only other person besides Churchill to serve in the war cabinet for the entire war. One of the keys to England’s winning the war was that both leaders put the country’s best interests above their own political ambitions. The depth of the two men’s differences concerning leadership and government became more obvious after the war in 1945, when the two opposed each other in the election for prime minister. Churchill was defeated by Attlee. These two leaders did what they thought was right, both during the war and after it. They put the nation ahead of their personal gain. As a result, the people of England won. That’s what leadership is really all about – it’s about helping others to win. That’s much more important than where you are on the organizational chart. As a leader, are you finding it difficult to be fulfilled where you are? Truth@Life can help. Call 248-396-6255 or email me at curtis.songer@gmail.com for a FREE consultation. For more info on help I can provide check out http://truthatlife.com/

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