Welcome to the Truth@Life Blog Site by Curtis Songer
There are 5 threads of thought in this blog site:
1. Church Stuff - things pertaining to the evangelical Christian Church of today
2. Leadership Corner - concepts on management & leadership
3. Two Becoming One - principles of marriage enrichment
4. Train Up a Child - principles of parenting
5. Personal Thoughts - my mental ramblings on how God is growing me
I highly recommend you find an entry on one of these topics that interests you and click on that label at the end of that entry. It will bring up all the entries on that particular category. And be sure to check out the great web site links in the lower right corner of this page - Enjoy!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Work as Praise
1 Corinthians 10.31
“The (Irish) penitentials did not restrict their understanding of man's relationship with God to the moments of formal prayer and liturgy; instead, all daily work and activity was looked upon as a continuous act of praise and worship to God.”
- Hugh Connolly, The Irish Penitentials
This is true Christian faith, faith that embraces every aspect of life and leads us to praise God for His steadfast love and faithfulness and to serve Him with whatever He brings into our hands at any moment. This is an all-pervading faith; not the sacred/secular split so common among many Christians today, keeping faith in its place and the world in its.
Not only our work but our avocations, diversions, relationships, conversations, habits of reading and study, and everything else can serve as praise and service to the living God. To know the faith of Christ in this way is to practice not only His presence, but His pre-eminence as well.
Please comment below or email me directly at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Quiet Moments – Part 2
Luke 5:16
In the movie Castaway, Tom Hanks says "We live and we die by time. And we must not commit the sin of losing our track on time." He adds about late Fedex packages, "First thing it's two minutes, then four, then six, then the next thing you know, we're the U.S. mail."
I am having to redo how I do my life. Life is more complicated than ever: strategic planning and budgeting for work, planning for Christmas, husband, father of 6, caring for an aging parent, etc…
In Africa they have a saying, "In America, everyone has watches and no one has any time. In Africa, few have watches and everyone has time for you."
Like Luther, I am rethinking how I plan my day. I've got to get the spiritual disciplines and exercise in first. I have to continue to let go of the small things and focus on the most important.
Are you too busy? If God wanted to get a hold of you, how would he do it?
Please comment below or email me directly at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Quiet Moments
Luke 5:16
Did you know there are cultures in the world that don't have a word for "minute" or "hour"? They simply have no need or desire to measure time in such short increments. Nor do they attempt to maximize every second of every day. Filling their lives to the brink would be unthinkable. Sound too third-worldish to you? Isn't it easy to see how such words are not necessary in places where people grow their own food and rarely venture beyond their own village?
I'm not suggesting that we all move into the woods and live off the land. But I am encouraging you to consider the benefits of pulling the throttle back just a notch and embracing a more contemplative lifestyle. When you allow yourself time for creative solitude, you can see God at work and begin to rediscover life in all its richness. When you give yourself the necessary time and space to seek clarity, gain perspective and ponder decisions, you find more to savor, enjoy and appreciate.
As I reflect on these two different approaches to life--the rushed and the restful--I force myself to ask, How did Jesus live? Was He frantic or steady? Was He checking the sundial every few minutes, wishing He could cut some time off His commute to the next city? Or was He able to stop and tend to the needs around Him?
Jesus had more pressure on Him than any of us can fathom. His own disciples were always peppering Him with questions. The Pharisees wanted Him dead. The crowds wanted Him king. Many pressed against Him, wanting to be healed. Yet He got alone to pray. To think. To be strengthened. He sought His Father and enjoyed Him in the quiet moments of life.
I don’t know about you, but this is an area I need to work on. Perhaps you think (as I often do) that you just don’t have time? Well, let’s remember who gives us every minute of every day. Don’t you think it is enough time for you to spend a part of it with Him? Bottom Line… it is a matter of trust. As it says in Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”
Please comment below or email me directly at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Gifts From God
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Love God, Not the World
1 John 2:15
I don't have to tell you how hard the world is vying for your affections. It beckons you and me with the lure of lesser loyalties. The world wants you to have a better car, a bigger house, more-fashionable clothing, a sleeker cell phone, a snazzier computer. And nearly every day in the mail, you are offered a brand-new credit card to buy it all with.
But what you may not realize is that money and possessions are not the only things the world offers to demand your affections and compromise on one of the Bible's clearest commands.
What in the world do you love? Why not complete a year-end inventory of your heart and its affections? Just like a year-end inventory in a big warehouse, walk down the aisles of your heart and take note of what clutters the shelves. How do you use your time? What do you think about and talk about?
Perhaps you'll find some "old inventory" that should be moved out of your heart. Perhaps there are some habits you've developed over the years--and if you are honest, you really love these old habits more than you love God. Things like hobbies or television--or perhaps even addictions like food, alcohol, drugs or pornography.
Perhaps the inventory will reveal a possession that you realize owns you. It is in competition with God for your love. Perhaps it's time to clear out some inventory and replace it with some fresh obedience to God's commands. Wasn't it Jesus who said the greatest commandment was to "love the Lord your God with all your heart" (Matthew 22:37)?
Fall in love with God. Love His people. Love His mission and will. When you're consumed with love for Him, you won't have much room left to love the world.
Please comment below or email me directly at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
Ever Feel Down?
Some people believe the words "Christian" and "depression" should never appear in the same sentence. They believe that a person whose Bible proclaims, "The joy of the LORD is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:10), should know better than to be unhappy.
It makes you wonder, though, if that was the case with William Cowper, author of such classic hymn lyrics as "God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform" and "There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Emmanuel's veins." Severe depression forced him early in life to abandon his career in law. If not for the patient mentorship of John Newton (composer of "Amazing Grace"), who knows how low Cowper's depression would have taken him?
Charles Spurgeon struggled mightily with depression, particularly after a false cry of "Fire!" set off a stampede in his packed-house congregation, killing several in attendance. He often talked about hearing his "own chains clank" as he delivered his sermons, comparing his feelings to a chariot stuck in the mud.
King David, we know, cried out in melancholy many times through the psalms. Paul, who wrote, "God, who comforts the depressed, comforted us by the coming of Titus" (2 Corinthians 7:6), certainly knew seasons of darkness and despair. Biblical figures such as Moses, Job and Elijah went through overwhelming valleys of doubt and fear.
So if either of you find yourself under the heavy weight of depression today, grappling to work free but not always able to win the fight, you're not alone in your struggle. Your suffering is not unknown by God. Your dark circumstances are not beyond His power to heal, restore and redeem.
As you seek God for relief, take a measure of comfort in your good company.
Please comment below or email me directly at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
Thursday, October 8, 2009
What is God's Plan for Your Marriage?
God’s plan is that we accept (not just receive) our mate from God. This is not easy. It means that we have to view our mate’s apparent weaknesses as qualities that God may be using to transform our own life. This means that we must unconditionally accept our spouse on the basis of who they are, not what they do. It’s a position-based relationship, not a performance-based relationship. It’s just like our relationship with our Savior Jesus. He accepts us because, out of His mercy and grace, He calls us His children (a position-based relationship) if we believe in Him, not because we do good things to earn our way to heaven (a performance-based relationship).
Therefore, we must accept our mate because they were designed by God, as a gift to us, to be the perfect fulfillment of all our needs - past, present, and future. God designed us, so He knows our needs better that we know ourselves. It makes sense then that he is a better designer of the fulfillment of our needs than we could ever be. So rather than change our mate to become someone we think they should be, we should be more concerned with accepting them for who they are - God’s provision for our needs.
This can be extremely tough! In fact, we can only accomplish this by the power of God’s Holy Spirit and by having faith in Him. So the basis for my unconditional acceptance of my mate is faith in God's character and trustworthiness to care for my needs. We are only able to fully accept our mate by coming to know God and trusting in His character.
A godly marriage then is not created by finding (or trying to make) a perfect flawless person. Rather, it is created by allowing God's perfect love and acceptance (and forgiveness) to flow through one imperfect person - you - toward another imperfect person - your mate.
Please comment below or email me directly at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
Friday, September 11, 2009
Remembering 9/11
Many of the thoughts I had in the days following 9/11 are just as appropriate in these current days of insecurity:
- Trust in God, not men (see Jeremiah 17:5-8). God and His plans are not upset by the actions of men. He is the anchor in a storm.
- Live for eternity and God’s kingdom now (see Matthew 25:14-30). Determine God’s purpose for you. How does He want to use you now to reach, influence and serve others in the cause of Christ?
- Share the gospel boldly (see 2 Corinthians 5:20-21). People need and want to hear about your spiritual journey - really they do!
- Embrace biblical values now, not just when there’s a crisis (see 2 Peter 3:10-13). Give others the courage to live for Christ today, at all times, in all their spheres of influence, and not wait for tomorrow (see Hebrews 3:13).
One of my favorite traditional hymns of our faith is Martin Luther’s “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.” Perhaps you know it:
A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing;
Our helper He, amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing:
For still our ancient foe, doth seek to work us woe;
His craft and power are great, and armed with cruel hate,
On earth is not his equal.
But the God of heaven is infintely greater. He loves you more than you can imagine and He has a perfect provision for all your needs. Those are great words to remember during these troubled times.
Please enter a comment below or respond driectly to csonger@new-communitychurch.org
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Accountability – We All Need Alarm Bells
We can’t pull a fast one on God. He sees all and cannot be deceived. He notices our shortcuts and also our effort when we do well. To ensure that we live by this truth, we need to seek others to hold us accountable and act as our “alarm bells”. Invite others to ask you tough questions, such as the following:
1. Is my personal walk with God up-to-date? Example: Am I being faithful to my daily quiet time?
2. Am I keeping my priorities straight? Example: Do I have the proper balance between work and family and other activities?
3. Am I asking myself the hard questions? Example: How am I doing I the area of personal purity?
4. Am I accountable to someone in authority? Who?
5. Am I sensitive to what God is saying to the whole body of Christ? (It’s not all about me)
6. Am I overly concerned with building my image? Example: Is what people see vs. who I really am the same thing?
7. Do I put more stock in events (and tasks) rather than process (and building relationships)?
8. Am I a loner in my leadership and personal life? Example: Is there too much secrecy in my life?
9. Am I aware and honest about my weaknesses (my blind spots)?
10. Is my calling constantly before me? Do I even know what my personal life mission is?
Ask yourself these questions on a regular basis and you will be headed down a road of appropriate accountability. We all need accountability, in our personal lives, as well as our professional.
David is Off to College!
1. Practice unconditional love in all your most important relationships, especially your marriage.
2. Do what you love to do and do your best.
3. Invest your life in others, not in things or accomplishments.
4. God & His Word are the only things to base your life on.
5. Flee lust and avoid all sexual temptations.
6. Delay gratification, or better said, do not seek instant gratification. Learn to have patience.
7. Honesty is always the best policy.
8. Practice brotherhood and accountability.
9. There is no greater responsibility than parenting. We are stewards of His children.
10. Be Missional. We are on a mission for God. Stay personally externally focused.
That’s my list – what’s yours? I believe you need to know what it is, because in it lay the reasons you were put here on this earth. There are no mistakes in God’s economy. I believe He uses every lesson taught to every one of us to grow us all as a body of believers and to build up His kingdom.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Manly Camp & The Importance of a “Community of Men” (July 30, 2009)
Much like knights believe only existing knights could raise up future knights, so it is that it takes “godly men to raise godly boys”. As a Christian, I believe that a community of godly men can do a better job than one man alone. God did not design me to go through life alone. I seek out godly men to support me and hold me accountable in my spiritual journey, as well as my process for raising my boys to be godly men. I encourage you to do the same. If you do, you will be positively influenced by this community of godly men.
The Bible tells us we are influenced by those that we spend time with:
Proverbs 27:17
Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another.
A community of godly men are like iron – let them sharpen you!
Ecclesiastes 4:9,10,12
Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up. And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart.
As a community of godly men stand together, making each individually stronger.
1 Corinthians 15:33
Do not be deceived: "Bad company corrupts good morals."
A community of godly men is a good place to develop friendships.
Hebrews 10:24
And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds.
A community of godly men will help to make you successful in your walk with God.
A community of godly men can be there for you. They can listen to you when you’re hurting or simply need advice or help. They can be a resource to help you live a godly life and to become a godly man. They can become your wisest friends. Use them!
At New Community Church, I find my own “community of godly men”. One example of their support is our annual “Manly Camp”. At this camp (August 7-9 and 14-16 this year), the community of godly men invest their time and support in assisting one another by teaching and affirming their boys. It is a great experience – I hope you will participate if you are local to New Community Church. If not, I encourage you to seek out your own “community of godly men”.
Please comment on this article below, or email me directly at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
How to Avoid the Five Threats to Oneness & The Death of a Marriage (July 30, 2009)
The Bible gives a great blueprint for each of these concepts. It describes the five purposes for marriage. If these purposes are lived out, then the marriage is fulfilled (and is fulfilling) as God intended. God's plan for marriage is based on unconditional love and acceptance. God's process for marriage includes understanding a husband’s and wife’s roles and responsibilities, as well as practicing good communication techniques. God's product for marriage includes two great outcomes: achieving oneness between a husband and wife, as well as leaving a spiritual legacy to future generations.
Finally, the secret to having a truly successful marriage lies in activating God's power in your marriage. How well you do this lies in how effective you are at submitting to the power of the Holy Spirit. In Isaiah 53:6 it says, "All of us like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; but the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Him." It is only as you yield and submit your life to God, obey His Word, and deny yourself that you can experience intimacy and build a truly godly marriage.
I’ll explore each and every one of these concepts in future blog posts. In the meantime, if you have a question about any one of them, please comment below or email me directly at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
Leaders & Problem Solving (July 30, 2009)
1. Think correctly – maintain a godly perspective, be contemplative. We can find joy in the midst of problem solving only when we recognize their purpose and results (vv. 2-4). The key is maintaining a godly perspective. Leaders must think correctly about problems and see that their followers grow stronger through them.
2. Ask (better yet, plead with) God for wisdom – God gives us trials in such a way that we lack nothing in the end. James encourages us to always ask God, in faith, for the wisdom that only He can provide (v. 5). It is no sign of weakness for a leader to pray for wisdom when facing problems.
3. Act & Expect – If we have a godly perspective on the problem, and we have asked God for wisdom (in faith), then we must act on the insights He has given us. Once acted upon, the only remaining thing to do is to wait expectantly for God’s outcomes (vv. 6-8).
Once leaders gain perspective and trust God for wisdom, they must act on the solution He has laid on their heart and exude optimism as they wait to see how God’s plan will unfold.
Comments are welcomed below or by email to me directly at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
TLC Classes for Fall 2009 (July 29, 2009)
In addition to your house group, which of the following topics would most interest you this fall (please select one of the following):
A. Surviving in Uncertain Economic Times (TBD)
B. A New Creation / Worldview study (TBD)
C. Bible Study of Genesis (Dr. Bibza)
D. Marriage for Young Marrieds (Mark & Gina Bolton)
E. Preparing for Adolescence & Parenting Teens (Curtis & Martha Songer during Student Ministries)
F. Women’s study: A Relational Bible Series for Women on Patience and Self Control (Teaching Team: D. Kisiday, M. Pinyot, A. Ferguson, & H. Haff)
G. I can’t be in a house group, so I would like the opportunity to take the integrated study, 40 Days of Community during TLC
H. I will not be participating in any TLC small group
I hope you will take a moment on Sunday to complete the Contact Card indicating your preference. Alternatively, you can let me know your intentions right now by commenting below or emailing me at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
40 Days of Community Coming to NCC! (July 28, 2009)
To maximize everyone’s walk with Christ and with each other during this time, we encourage every person to participate in a small group!! Our first step in that process is to find NEW small group leaders. We are excited by the many small group leaders we currently have, and now we’re looking for additional leaders in order to give everyone a chance to fully participate in a small group during the 40 Days of Community. We are establishing who these leaders are and training them in the month of August, so if you are interested, please contact Senior Pastor Hollis Haff this week!!
The next preparation step will be to open up sign-ups for everyone in the congregation. On August 30th, we will be putting in your hands a catalog of small groups that show who the leaders are as well as when and where they meet, along with a quick and easy sign-up sheet that enables everyone to take part in small groups this fall. Groups will begin meeting in mid-September when the “40 Days of Community” is launched. Get ready for an exciting start to our ministry season!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
James - A Book on Action (July 25, 2009)
James models a leadership style weary of sterile mission/vision statements framed on a wall. He cares nothing for the set of core values that the subcommittee wrote down last year if they are only words on paper that was promptly filed away. He is an activist who labels others as “self deceived” if they say they are committed to do something but never do it. This book is helpful for the leader who gets caught up in an idealistic vision and rarely gets to his to-do list.
James models leadership that errs on the side of pragmatism. He does not want anyone to miss “practicing what they preach”. Instead, he suggests many ways in which we can flesh out the mission of Jesus – from feeding and clothing the poor, to providing good seating at church services for the poor, to controlling your speech, to praying for the sick and those in need. James teaches us to have a passion and conviction about social justice.
In addition, James strongly advocates humility in the sight of God and encourages us to pray when we don’t know what to do next. Leaders are to humble themselves and let God exalt them in due time. James maintains a big-picture view of eternity while incarnating his beliefs in a pair of overalls. He calls us, as leaders, to be ready to pay the price. This is a great book for Bible study, I heartily recommend it!
Please comment below or email me directly at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
Children Are Like Arrows (July 22, 2009)
The scene is a battlefield. We are all in a spiritual war – it is the reason we are put here on earth. You may not recognize it, but Satan certainly does. The war is raging all around you and your family is the smallest battle formation that the Lord has created. If you’re not actively fighting the battle, then what are you doing here?
If you are a parent, then you are described as a warrior (an archer). In olden times, the archer made his own arrows. He would not trust such an important activity to anyone else, his very life depended on the quality of those arrows – how fast and straight they flew, how strong they were. Consequently, the arrow was only as good as the archer who made it. It takes a godly parent to make (with God’s help) a godly child. The child is the arrow! As parents, we must be rooted firmly in studying and applying God’s truth with consistency, humility, and a sense of total dependence upon God for strength and wisdom through daily prayer, if we expect to make great arrows.
The weapon is an arrow. Close your eyes and think about an arrow. Imagine what one looks like. Think about the nature and purpose of an arrow. God has given us many weapons such as the sword of truth and the shield of faith. But the only weapon God has given us that goes beyond us is our children. They are “messengers (or warriors) that visit a time we cannot go to ourselves.” How well will they fly through life? How well will they be trained to craft their own arrows someday? It is our responsibility, not anyone else’s, to insure that they are prepared.
Think again about the arrow. Notice the strength and quality of the shaft. This shaft represents the character values in their life. These values and character qualities ought to be based upon Scriptural values and godly character traits. The knowledge and wisdom gained through the study and application of God’s Word helps to solidify their spiritual foundation and form their value system and character traits. Many of their values will be learned by watching us as parents, and learning to model our values and character.
Consider the importance of the feathers. What is the job of the feathers? The feathers are there to guide the arrow. There are 3 feathers on every arrow. The feathers represent the relationships in your life that will help to guide them through their life. The first feather they develop is their relationship to their parents. This relationship will help to guide them their entire life. Even after we grow old and die, our children will still be guided by the relationship they had with us. The second feather represents their relationship with their friends. Their relationships with friends, both good and bad, guide them and influence their path through life. It is therefore important for them to build only good relationships with godly friends. Now consider the final feather. The final feather represents their relationship with God. Relationships with friends will come and go, but their relationship with God is eternal. This is the most important feather on this arrow. The goal of parents is to help the child become less dependent on us and friends and more dependent upon God for guidance.
The arrowhead represents a child’s developing focus on their God-ordained mission in life. Parents must help their children to understand this and to develop a determination to seek to discover God’s plan for their life. Parent must help them to discover their God-given skills and abilities to accomplish His will. Our children must grow to understand that God’s plan and God’s will are far more important than their own plan and their own will. In doing this, we help them to realize that no matter what happens in life, God’s will is more important than their own and that their will (and plans) must be yielded to God’s. This will enable the child, the arrow, to “penetrate” deeply into the target and not to fall out.
The importance of the bow. What is the job of the bow? The bow is the instrument used to transfer power from the archer to the arrow. This represents the transfer of faith from a parent to a child. But the strength with which the parent can pull the bowstring (that is to say the strength of the power of the Holy Spirit in our own life) will impact the power with which our kids, the arrows, will take off on a life of their own.
The secret of the release. Archers say that no matter how well the bow and arrow are crafted, no matter how much they practice, no matter how good a shot they become, any single shot can be totally ruined by a poor release. The releasing of our children into the world is a very important process. Too many good parenting efforts have been ruined by careless releases. The release is a careful process over time. Concepts such as increasing responsibilities and accountability over time, as well as “passage ceremonies”, are very helpful in successfully releasing your arrow. But no matter how well the bow and arrow are crafted, no matter how careful the release, the arrow will be influenced by “outside forces” after the release. The skillful archer knows about many of these forces. Some are deadly traps waiting for our kids, planted in front of their lives by Satan. Parents must prepare their children for Satan’s traps. In doing this, we are like the archer who compensates for the wind and the brush with his aim. But no matter how well we prepare them, ultimately they must still fly their own course under the power and control and guidance of the Lord.
Please comment on this article below, or email me directly at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
The Five Threats to Marital Oneness (July 16, 2009)
So why are so many marriages today ending in divorce? The answer lies (in part) in the problems that face marriage today. There are certain forces that exist in our society today that Satan uses to tear marriages apart. I call these forces, “The Five threats to Oneness”. They are:
1. Difficult adjustments – everyone comes to marriage with different backgrounds. Consequently, they have to make certain adjustments in marriage to form their new family unity. Many people today are unwilling to make those adjustments. These difficult adjustments in marriage threaten our oneness. Without making these necessary adjustments toward oneness isolation is inevitable.
2. The World’s 50/50 Plan – you do your part and I’ll do mine. We’ll each carry 50% of the load. The problem with this performance-oriented marriage relationship is that “each horse thinks his or her pack is the heaviest”. Consequently, Couples entering marriage equipped only with the world's plan will find their oneness threatened. The logical result of the world's plan is isolation.
3. Difficulties & Trials – they are a part of life. It is not a matter of ‘if’ we will have them, but how e will react ‘when’ we have them. A failure to work through inevitable difficulties and trials threatens oneness. A failure to grasp God's perspective together on these problems will result in isolation.
4. Extramarital affairs - escapes from reality. The fulfillment of legitimate needs in illegitimate ways. Extramarital affairs threaten oneness. The escape to extramarital affairs is doomed to isolation. There are five types of extramarital affairs: the love affair, the career affair, the materialism affair, the activity affair, and the apathy affair.
5. Selfishness – our own personal pride, the desire to get what we want when we want it. The failure to anticipate selfishness in marriage threatens oneness. We all have selfish natures – we want our own way. But marriage was created by God to be an environment which mirrors H8is agape love for us - giving without expectation of return. Selfishness could therefore be described as the root of all the other threats to oneness. In Isaiah 53:6 the Bible says, "All of us like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; but the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Him." The devastating result of selfishness is isolation.
If not checked, the five threats to oneness tend to lead a couple through five phases of marriage deterioration. The five phases are:
1. The romantic phase – marriages start out here. This is the birth of the marriage relationship. There is no recognition of the threats to oneness because life is wonderful. We are so in love, we can’t imagine anything else. But the marriage that is based strictly on feelings is soon headed for trouble.
2. The transition phase – the honeymoon phase is coming to an end and we begin to realize there is more to marriage than just warm fuzzies and great sex. The realities of life are beginning to set in.
3. The reality phase – bills and babies, careers and activities, morning breath and bed head, repairs and responsibilities. Where did the romance go?
4. The retaliation (resentment) phase – 'you do your part and I’ll do mine' isn’t working so good anymore. The one you love disappoints you. Hurtful comments are exchanged – the insult for insult relationship begins.
5. The rejection phase – too many hurts have gone unforgiven. Bitterness has set in. Two people may occupy the same house, but there is no love there. The death of the relationship is becoming a reality.
Is this progression inevitable? If not, how is it avoided? Stay tuned for future posts!
You can comment on this blog below or email me directly at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
Monday, July 27, 2009
What is True Success & How is it Achieved? (July 10, 2009)
“God may allow His servant to succeed when He has disciplined him to a point where he does not need to succeed to be happy. The man who is elated by success and is cast down by failure is still a carnal man. At best, his fruit will have a worm in it.” – T.W. Tozer
How true. I have spent most of my life trying to look good to others (being successful). Being a task oriented person, accomplishing major things feels good – but only for awhile. It doesn’t last. In not too long a period, I begin to doubt my self-worth again and go after that next great task that will give me the good feeling again. After awhile, a task oriented person like myself becomes an “accomplishment junkie”.
Yet true satisfaction does not come from accomplishments, it only comes from relationships and investing one’s self in others. But the sad truth is that the accomplishment junkie never takes the time to evaluate his life and consider the alternative because he is too busy with the next task. It isn’t until his world comes crashing down around him, either because he sees the failure in all his relationships or because God takes away all that he has based his security in, that he may begin to seek a better way.
It has taken me 50 years to learn this: true satisfaction only comes from a feeling of significance (not success). And since all accomplishments will one day be forgotten, none are truly very significant. The only lasting significance in life is in the relationships we build and invest our lives in. Significance over success; relationships over accomplishments. Only in that will we find real joy and peace and meaning.
As always, comments are encouraged here at this site or by emailing me at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
Jesus is Glorified on Compassion Day (June 1, 2009)
From food and clothing drives for the homeless, to painting and repairing Bible camps, to helping organizations for battered women and those with crisis pregnancies, to reconstruction projects for inner city folks in need, to helping the families of those in the military, to assisting the physically disabled, the list goes on and on. We had 50-100 people just walk on to projects on Sunday to join in helping serve those in need. Later in the day, incredible testimonies of service and life transformation were shared at our evening worship celebration and dinner.
It is an honor to be a part of a group of people that desires to love God by loving the people He loves - who society may have outcast, forgotten, labeled “undesirable”, or simply ignored their need. It’s great to see that we are a church that doesn’t just go to church, but rather, to seeks to BE the church.
Thank you to all who worked behind the scenes to help make this day a huge success (in God’s eyes) and to those who served so faithfully and lovingly on Sunday! I am honored and humbled to be counted among you.
Compassion Day is Here! (May 28, 2009)
For anyone who has not yet signed up for a project, or may be a visitor to our church, you can still get involved. There will be handouts that have a list and description of projects that are still open. You can either go directly to that project table and sign up for that project, or you can visit our Compassion Day information table and talk to Curtis Songer or Vicki Carlson about which project might best suit you.
Everyone will meet back at the church at 5pm for a celebratory time of worship, project testimonials, and dinner. This will be a special faith-building time as we listen to the transformational experiences of many who have served that day. You don’t want to miss this special event! May God richly bless everyone who serves on May 31.
Please comment below or email me at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
What is Compassion Day & Why Are We Doing It? (May 10, 2009)
Compassion Day will launch a renewed effort of ministry to the elderly, the homeless, and others in need as we begin to build relationships and share the love of Christ through “mini-mission” projects. This form of “servant evangelism” is exactly how Christ reached out and transformed lives. He first served a need, and then showed a person the only way of salvation. On May 31, we ask each and every one of you to not just go to church, but BE the church!
People can get involved by submitting project ideas, signing up to lead a project, joining and serving on a project, or working behind the scenes to help enable our Compassion Day (e.g., purchasing and transporting materials and tools, preparing food, providing childcare, etc.). People can indicate their area of interest by visiting the Welcome Center to register their willingness to help, contacting the church office, or calling/emailing Vicki Carlson. At a later date, we will provide a number of opportunities to join a pre-defined project team such as signing up at church, or calling the church office at 724-935-0909.
What the Easter Sacrifice Should Teach Us (April 23, 2009)
Anywhere worth going carries a price tag. Jesus chose to endure torture, mocking, humiliation, and an excruciating death. He did this even though He could have stopped it at any moment. Jesus stayed so committed to His mission that He allowed weaker men to seize Him, arrest Him, and crucify Him. For Him, paying the price for your sins was worth the pain of the cross.
Jesus compared His own death to a grain of wheat, falling to the earth, dying, and bearing much fruit. He then applied this concept to us. He said, “I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” (John 12:24,25)
Jesus gave up His life so we could have ours back. He died like us so we could live like Him. In doing so, He not only pleased His Father, but received us as a reward. As in all things, Jesus is our model. His death gave us the example to follow if we desire to please God and to have the greatest reward. What does He ask of us? To die to self in order to live for Him. This means we give Him our love, our obedience, and come to a point where we are willing to follow Him no matter where He leads us because we know it is the best possible way for us. Is this too much to ask? Is this too much to give? Only when we die to self can we really live.
Please comment below or email me at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
Why Does New Community Church Charge for Events? (March 30, 2009)
Every church has its own culture. I have only been at new Community Church for 10 months, so I cannot relate to you the long history of how charging for events started. I do know that we came out of Orchard Hill, a church with very similar policies and practices. So part of the explanation is culture.
Another part of the issue is related to the discipline of spiritual practices, specifically tithing. I came from a Baptist background where Biblical tithing (a full 10% of gross income) is taught from a very early age. Here at New Community, many in our membership come from a Catholic background or non-churched background where this is not the case. Biblical tithing is a new concept to them. When a large portion of your membership is doing Biblical tithing, the costs of many of your programs (mid-week Bible studies, summer kids camps, etc.) can be covered as part of the operating budget funded out of the freewill offering. Unfortunately, this is not the case at most contemporary, non-denominational churches.
As we grow as a church, both in quantity of members, as well as in depth of spiritual walk, the need for charging extra for programs should diminish. In the meantime, please be aware that we always provide “scholarships” for any adult or child who wants to be in one of these programs, but who cannot afford it financially. I hope this helps. Thanks for asking the questions and feel free to contact me via email or phone if you need more explanation or scholarship assistance with one of the programs (e.g., KidZone’s Backyard Bash).
Please comment below or email me at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
Being Adaptable: It Ain’t Easy (March 25, 2009)
If there has been one great change in my life lately it is the need for adaptability. Now, you may say, “How much more adaptable can you become? You have been through a career change, a job change, a relocation, joined a new church, made new friends, etc…” Well, I am here to say you can go through all that change and hardly adapt at all. You can drag your prior habits, attitudes, thoughts, prejudices, work patterns, etc., right along with you – wherever you go or whatever you go through.
“Inflexibility is one of the worst human failings. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence, and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind there is no antidote. It carries its own seeds of destruction.” – Anonymous
You don’t have to change, nobody can really force you. Change comes from the inside – not outward experiences and circumstances – you have to decide for yourself if you are willing to change, to adapt. If you don’t adapt, you will create stress. You may create stress in your own life or you may create stress in the lives of others. Probably both – and it is a sure path to destruction – destruction of your own peace of mind and/or relationships. In the words of Michael McGriff, “Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.”
Please don’t get me wrong – I’m not talking about wavering in your foundational beliefs. Sorry if it offends you, but I am rock solid on my biblical beliefs and with God’s strength, no amount of argument will ever change those beliefs. There is a time to stand steadfast and a time to be flexible. What I am talking about is working with other people and being part of a team. Teamwork and personal rigidity just don’t mix.
The Apostle Peter was a great example of what can happen when people are willing to change. Peter was adaptable. Initially he was a die-hard Jew, unwilling to associate with those unlike himself. But in time he learned to accept newly converted Christians not from the Jewish faith, as brothers in the Lord. He learned to associate with what he previously found detestable – because his belief in Christ was stronger than his belief in man-made traditions. In Acts 10: 34-35 Peter began to speak: "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear Him and do what is right.” As a result of Peter persuading his fellow Christian Jews to do the same, millions of non-Jews have been saved by Jesus.
Quincy Jones once said, “A person’s age can be measured by the degree of pain he experiences when he comes in contact with a new idea.” Sad, but true. The older we get, the harder it is sometimes to make the changes we know we should. How adaptable have you been today? Are there people around you that need you to be more flexible, more adaptable? Can you help them by leading by example – by being adaptable? It will make your life less stressful, improve the relationships you have, and increase your team’s productivity. Give it a try.
Please comment below or email me at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
The 467 Bridge (March 12, 2009)
Additional feedback from participants told us they like informality, the use of technology, and longer, engaging worship sets. Concerning the time, participants said they would like to see us allow more time later in the evening for them to go out with friends and family after worship or to go home to prepare for the week ahead. Consequently, this new service starts at 5pm. Beverages are available before the service, and a full “Connection Café” with snacks occurs immediately afterwards, allowing ample time to connect.
The concept for the service is “The 467 Bridge”. A bridge is defined as a connection or a passage that joins things together. That is the theme for our Sunday evening worship service - connecting people with God and with each other. This service is designed to connect people to God through relevant teaching and worship. It connects people with each other in interactive small groups, with the speaker through Q&A, and with the worship team through contemporary and intimate forms of worship.
The 467 stands for II Corinthians 4:6-7, “God who said, Let light shine out of darkness, made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” God is the light and He alone can illuminate the darkness of this world. We are to be the bearers of this light. Our effectiveness being a part of God’s transformation plan for others is increased as we grow closer to the light and are transformed ourselves.
Join us any Sunday at 5pm. This is a perfect place to bring a friend who may not have been to church in awhile and who isn’t comfortable in “traditional” church settings. The 467 Bridge provides the opportunity to come, meet friends, and go out to dinner after church, or simply make new connections. The connections made in this service will be lasting, growing connections that cross socio-economic differences, culture, and even generations. Come and check it out this Sunday evening!
Please comment below or email me at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
Commitment - Part 2 (February 16, 2009)
So how do we keep from going down this slippery slope? To develop and grow in our commitment, we must understand the following about the nature of commitment and how it flourishes:
1. Commitment starts in the heart. It starts with our mind and emotions before it affects our will (our actions).
2. Commitment is then tested by action. Talk is cheap, actions are costly.
3. Commitment opens the door for accomplishment. Once you commit yourself, God will bring all kinds of resources into your life (often in the form of other committed people) to help you succeed. This reinforces our commitment.
4. Commitment can be measured. Take a look at your calendar, your checkbook, and your relationships to see where your commitments lie.
5. Commitment enables a person to make wise decisions. When you know what your commitments are, decisions become clear and easy.
6. Commitment flourishes with public accountability. Tell people where you stand and you develop a built in accountability system. People expect you to act in a certain way. No one wants to be accused of being a hypocrite!
7. Commitment multiplies in the lives of others. People passionately follow people who are passionate about what they believe in – and the commitment grows.
Now let's take a look at person whose huge faith was an outgrowth of his commitments. We read about the life of Stephen in Acts 6:8 – 7:60. This is a man who is not recorded as having SAID he was willing to die for what he believed in, BUT HE DID. What made the difference?
1. Stephen had the presence of God in his life (Acts 6:8,15).
2. He based his commitment on a Biblical foundation (7:2-38).
3. He saw the error in others’ thinking (7:39-41).
4. He kept his eyes on the truth – Jesus (7:55).
5. He maintained His perspective (7:60).
His commitment moved way past the mind and emotions and into his will where it was lived out in his actions. As a result, we see that the Gospel began spreading beyond Jerusalem and impacted the lives of many others. Phillip was one such man. When Stephen was stoned, Phillip fled Jerusalem and headed to Samaria where his commitment to preaching the Gospel led to the salvation of thousands (Acts 8:5-8) and began changing the world. So we see the result of commitment in its fullest form is its own multiplication in the lives of others.
Of course, the greatest example of all of commitment was Jesus leaving His heavenly throne, taking on the form of a puny human being, enduring life on earth for 33 years, then willingly suffering and dying on the cross for us, 'But God demonstrates His own love for us, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us', Romans 5:8. He didn't have to, but He did anyway.
Your ability to stay committed in one area of your life will affect your ability in other areas as well. Trust me, I know. In college, and the years that followed, I floundered in my faith. After marrying my wife, whom I loved dearly with all my heart, I failed in my commitment to her as well.
So let me encourage you to learn how to grow your commitment, even in the face of adversity and nay-sayers. It will please God (and you'll get immediate blessings from that). It will impact others as they witness your commitment (it may change their lives). And you'll grow in your ability to be committed in other areas of your life - for a lifetime!
Please comment below or email me at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
Commitment - Part 1 (February 8, 2009)
Commitment is a funny thing. Whether it is commitment to your faith, to your family, or to your spouse (someday), it is never stagnant. Commitment is either growing or shrinking. Let's look at a couple examples. First, let's see what a shrinking commitment looks like (you know, like when you begin to compromise your own beliefs in front of your friends). Read the story of Peter’s commitment to Christ in Luke 22:31-34 & 54-62. This is the guy who said he would die for Christ (and I am sure he meant it). Yet, when things got tough we see his commitment shrinking. When our commitment drains away, we follow the same progression as Peter.....
1. His commitment to following Jesus became distant (Luke 22:54). Contrast this with Jesus' expectation regarding our following in Matthew 16:24. Peter is still following Christ, but incognito. He is no longer ready to die for Christ as he had emphatically stated earlier. He is starting to slip.
2. His fellowship became divided. In Luke 22:55 it says “Peter sat among them.” Now the guilty disciple is mixing with an uncommitted crowd. He is becoming ‘a man without a country’. Ever feel that way - like your allegiances are becoming divided?
3. His faith became deluded (Luke 22:57). He denies Christ. His words now reveal his weakness, even among men and women who pose no immediate threat to him. In your own life, has there ever been a situation where you know you should have spoken up about your faith, taken a stand, but decided it would be easier to just remain silent?
4. His fervor has become denial (Luke 232:60). Peter now rejects having had any association with Jesus. His words no longer display apathy, but open rejection. Now you may say - I would never do that. OK, perhaps you're not at this stage......yet. But if the prior steps are true for you, you may be well on your way here.
Peter’s digression was fast. For most of us, the process is the same, just not as rapid – which makes it all the more dangerous. When the slippage in your faith occurs over a longer period of time, you don’t notice it as much. Yet, after it has happened over a longer period of time, you have become so set in your ways and your apathy, that you have an even harder time reversing the trend. Dangerous stuff!
So how do we keep from going down this slippery slope? I’ll tell you in my next blog entry!
Please comment below or email me at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
Living Life to its Fullest (January 19, 2009)
However, there were also very poignant examples of those who did not live a life of generosity. We see one such example in Acts chapter 5, the documentary of Ananias and Sapphira. They sold a plot of land, gave some of the proceeds to the church, held back the rest, and lied by stating they had given it all away. Bad things happened - but I'll leave it to you to check it out.
In this passage we see the condition of their heart and where they put their faith:
1. They clung to their possessions.
2. They agreed to lie about their giving.
3. They pretended to be someone they were not.
4. They thought they could get by with 'appearing' to be generous.
5. They felt more concerned with their own outward image than with their inward relationship with God.
Many of us struggle with the same issues - I did for years! We think that if we grasp and cling to our possessions, through our own cleverness, we will eventually 'make it'. But God's economy is radically different. He is an extravagant Lord who gives generously to anyone in need. He enjoys meeting the needs of His followers, both directly and indirectly. He doesn't merely give of His resources, but also of Himself.
Effective Christians gather for others, then give it away. I once heard a secular version of this philosophy, "You can get anything in life you want, as long as you help enough other people get what they want." The Bible even states in Ephesians 4:28 that one the reasons we are to work is to share with those in need.
Consider the following ways to cultivate a spirit of generosity in your own life:
1. Be grateful for what you have.
2. Put people first.
3. Don't allow greed to control you.
4. Regard money as a resource to invest in others.
5. Develop the habit of giving.
In recent months, nothing has brought greater joy into my life than to begin practicing these principles. Prior to that, I had a tendency to hold onto my possessions because I feared I might run out - life seemed scarce. Does this sound familiar? Do you sometimes feel the same way?
But when we begin believing that giving is the way to live, we actually begin producing more - and life becomes abundant. This is the life that Jesus had in mind for us as He states in John 10:10b, "I have come that they may have life, and may have it more abundantly." This isn't just a statement about eternity, it is a statement about how to live right now.
So change your outlook on life and begin changing the world around you. Practice the principles of generosity outlined above. Begin living a life of generosity in all that you do and you'll begin living life to its fullest!
Please post a response below or email me at csonger@new-communitychurch.org.
Church Growth Requires God-Given Vision & Obedience (December 20, 2008)
First, church growth requires a vision from God (not man). In the book of Acts it would have been easy for the early church leaders to be in a very defensive mode. After all, their leader was leaving them to go to heaven and they were being persecuted by the religious leaders. Having not received the Holy Spirit yet, I am sure they we very much in a survival mode. Yet Jesus called them to be on the offense, not defense. He instructed them that they were about to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and even to the remote ends of the earth. He painted a very different vision for them. This was no man-made vision; it was a God-given vision. Let’s take a closer look…
Man-Made Visions:
- Are created based on human gifts and skills
- Are fulfilled by staying ahead of others
- View similar organizations as competitors
- Aim to grow the organization and generate revenue
- Cause stress to emerge both inwardly and outwardly
- May be dropped for something bigger and better.
God-Given Visions:
- Are received as revelation from God (they are bigger than human effort)
- Are fulfilled through obedience
- View similar organizations as complementary
- Aim to serve people and advance God’s rule
- Are accompanied by inward peace and outward opposition
- Compel and captivate others until fulfilled.
Second, in receiving and fulfilling His vision, Jesus gave them only one requirement: obedience. He instructed them to wait for His empowerment through the Holy Spirit. Once empowered, they were to “get after it”. They did both. They returned to Jerusalem, prayed, and waited for the Holy Spirit. Once they were empowered, they “got after it” in a big way. The world has never seen men with comparable courage, confidence, and conviction in fulfilling their vision. Most of them died a martyr’s death in fulfilling the vision. These 11 men, who only days earlier were cowards in hiding, boldly started a movement that has since impacted hundreds of millions of people.
What made the difference? And how does it apply to New Community Church?
Please leave a response below or email me at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
The Business of Church: The 2008-09 Financial Campaign & Annual Meeting (December 3, 2008)
The theme for this year has been growth. Our staff has grown. There is a growing desire for connection as a community (e.g., through monthly communion, plans for a cross, and plans for a café awning). There is renewed spiritual growth in small groups and TLC on Thursday nights. And as a result, we have been experiencing unusually high attendance - 16% higher than last year. But numbers are not the most important thing. I believe there is a spiritual awakening going on here. We are poised for some of the most transformationally deep spiritual growth we have ever experienced. God is preparing to take us to new levels of intimacy with Him and with His people. These truly are exciting times at NCC!
This growth can only be sustained with the continued faithful giving of God’s people. For example, we currently owe $2,631,632 on the church building and $514,311 on the Lodge for a total debt of $3,145,943. Our total monthly mortgage payments are $23,466 (principal and interest). We are firmly committed to also set aside 10% of the annual financial campaign for missions. Consequently, we need to raise $310,000 just to service our debt. However, we would also like to make $80,000 in capital improvements, including a new awning for café. Due to our growth, we can no longer adequately support café indoors during times of adverse weather.
Consequently, our minimum target for our 2008-09 Financial Campaign is $400,000. Any amount raised above this figure would be used to support further mortgage debt reduction, thus helping to prepare us for future facility expansion.
It is important to remember that your campaign commitment goes above and beyond your weekly offering. It takes additional funding to support our personnel, utilities, communications, and supplies necessary for each of the following ministries: The Women’s Connection, REAL Men, Small Groups, Guest Services (including the Audio Ministry and the Welcome Center), Kid’s Kingdom, Student Ministries, Family Time, Family Institute, TLC@NCC, the Resource Center, the Care Response Team, Divorce Care, Divorce Care for Kids, the Tech Team, and our Music ministry.
In order to answer your questions concerning the 2009-09 Financial Campaign, the Annual Meeting will be held immediately following the 11:00am worship service on December 7th and will dedicate time to answering whatever questions you have concerning the church, including the 2008-09 Financial Campaign. In accordance with the by-laws of our church, NCC holds an annual meeting every year at this time. This is your opportunity to learn more about the church operations and its future. It is a great time to learn about how our church functions, what we have accomplished this past year, and where the Lord may be taking us in the near future.
The agenda this year will include a financial report from the Board of elders, an operational report from the Executive Pastor, and an assessment of our spiritual status and vision for moving forward from our Senior Pastor. There will also be time for discussion of this year’s 2008-09 Financial Campaign.
The meeting will be held immediately following the 11:00am service on Sunday, December 7th. This is an excellent time to come and get answers to your questions. Lunch will be provided. We look forward to seeing you there!
Commitment cards will be distributed from November 16 – 30. Your commitments can be turned in, along with any gifts, from December 1 through the Christmas Eve Services. In the meantime, please be in prayerful consideration about how God would have you contribute this coming year.
Giving Your Life Away? (November 16, 2008)
Jack Palance said it well in the movie, “The City Slickers”. He asks Billy Crystal, “Do you know what the secret to life is? This (hold finger up)” BC: “Your finger?” JP: “One thing, just one thing” JP: “You stick to that and everything else doesn’t matter” BC: “That’s great, but what’s the one thing?” JP: “That’s what you’ve got to figure out”. Today I am going to share with you that secret…that “one thing”…
I struggled throughout my life “to give my life away” because I never really understood who owned my life. I thought I owned it and I struggled to give my life away, to live it for the good of others rather than myself. I tried – but it was a constant struggle. I could never really totally give my life away – to live it unselfishly serving others. And in many ways it still is a struggle.
Let me ask you a question: Can you give away what does not belong to you? No, of course not. Now let me ask you another, even more serious question: Can you take what does not belong to you? You bet you can. We call those people thieves.
Many people struggle with how they are to “give their life away”, to live a life unselfishly. It has even become much more popular today to work for non-profits and volunteer organizations. But what I want you to see today is that you’re asking yourself the wrong question. The title of my message is “Giving Your Life Away?” That’s not a typo. You see, it’s not about how you can give your life away a little better each day. It’s more about asking yourself, have I taken what does not belong to me.
The Bible says (in Genesis 1 and in Psalms 139) from the very beginning we are not our own, we are a creation of God. In Mark & In Ephesians we see the purpose for which we were created, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
In 1 Corinthians 6 we see that we don’t “own” our lives, we were “bought at a price”. Further, in Romans 12 we are told to daily offer our bodies as living sacrifices. OK – so God owns us. You may say, I don’t “feel” like God owns me or I don’t “act” like God owns me. Does that change the fact that He does? No – let me illustrate.
Have you ever loaned something to someone and been a little bit sorry you did? Think about it. Perhaps they did not return it on time. Perhaps they returned it in poor condition (a dirty lawnmower). Perhaps they returned it with lots of wear and tear. Perhaps even broken. And maybe they NEVER returned it! Did that change the fact that you owned it? NO. and what we do with our lives, and how well we live them, does not change one iota the fact that God owns our lives!
So if God owns our lives, what does that make us? One of 2 things – either a thief or a borrower. Have you been a thief? Have you taken what does not belong to you? You have if you are living your life for yourself, doing only what you want, what YOU enjoy rather than asking God what He wants you to do.
Or are you living your life on loan. To live your life on loan means to live it realizing that It All Belongs to God…and He has loaned it to us. He expects if to be used for His purposes, not ours. He expects us to take good care of it. He expects to get a good return on His investment. As a borrower of this life, you must ask yourself daily – God, what do you want me to do with your life today. What does this look like – how does it play out. Let’s look at a famous example in Luke chapter 10, the “Good Samaritan”.
In this chapter we see the Samaritan reached out with his time, talent, and resources. Samaritan’s were despised. They were oppressed and racially slurred by the Jews. They would generally have no compassion a race of people who had mistreated them for years. Do you think this Samaritan wanted to help his oppressor, a Jew? No – I don’t think it would have been his first choice. The Samaritan was on business, yet he took the time, used his skills (bandaged and nursed the man to being well enough to travel) and applied his resources (a donkey, bandages, and money) to help. We normally think of the Samaritan as a pretty good guy. But I am here to say that the cultural, racial, and social norms of the time should have made this the last thing this man would want to do. Most Samaritans would have rejoiced to see a Jew suffer and die in the gutter. But this man “lived his life on loan” from God.
So what is “that one thing” that is the secret to life, the secret to true happiness and lasting peace? It is trusting in God so much that we obediently, joyfully do His will, rather than our own, regardless of the consequences, because we know he will provide. He will not only provide, He will bless abundantly. We trust in Him, we have faith in Him, so we joyfully live our life on loan.
What are the evidences of a life on loan:
1. I seek to obey God with all my heart; desiring not to stray from His commands.
2. Trust in the LORD with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding;
3. I recognize that I am not my own; that I was bought with a price.
4. And daily I offer my life as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God to do his will
And what does God give us in return for a life on loan:
1. Greater faith as we see Him provide
2. Peace & happiness that God is in control
3. A lifetime of adventure. A life on loan is a life of adventure. It is a life of exciting anticipation of what God will do next.
4. The opportunity to participate with the almighty sovereign God in his plan of redemption for a lost world
Give your life away? Not a chance. It does not belong to you in the first place. Return it to God’s control and take care to invest well what he has loaned you? Now you’re talking.
Please post a comment below or email me at csonger@new-communitychurch.org.
Patricia Okerlund, My Mother-In-Law & Sister In Christ (November 7, 2008)
My dear wife, Martha, received news that her mom, Patricia Okerlund, passed away last night. She was living in the state of Washington where several of Martha’s siblings still reside. We celebrate knowing that Pat knew the Lord intimately. In the words of one of our children, “Grandma is spending her first 24 hours with Jesus” as we speak. May we all draw great comfort and joy looking forward to that GREAT day when we spend eternity with the God who made us for that very purpose. Please keep our family and Martha’s siblings in your prayers for opportunities to share their love, their stories and memories all in a way that God would be known and glorified.
Serving an Awesome God
In my prior blog, I talked about your life being your story, a subset of God’s story. Patricia Okerlund wrote a fine story and we will miss her often as we reflect upon it. Her legacy includes 5 children and 10 grandchildren who are all busily writing their own stories now. We all knew she had begun her final chapter, several years ago. In her last months she loved listening to Scripture, praying, and talking about God with my wife. While she had been fading for some time, I don’t think any of us really expected the final page in mom’s story to be written so soon. I hope your story finishes as well as hers did.
In the perspective of eternity, “see you soon, mom”.
Her son-in-law & Brother In Christ, Curtis Songer
What's Your Story? (November 6, 2008)
L = Loves – passions, purpose, priorities, and values
I = Intersections – how we connect with others’ stories
F = Fortune – resources to help others write new endings to their stories
E = Eternity – making a difference beyond life here on earth.
Did you ever think about the fact that you are writing a story with your life? You write a few pages every day by the choices you make and the people you meet. God is writing an even bigger story, a never ending story. Your story is part of His story. You’ve heard it said, “You only get one shot at this thing called life”. How true. You can live it for yourself, or you can live it for others. You have no idea how long you’ll have to write your story. All that you have – your loves, your talents, your resources, and your opportunities – are from God. Believe me, He is cares how you use these to extend His love and grace to others.
How’s your story going? What will you write on today’s page? Will it look a lot like yesterday and the days before? Will it make a difference in someone’s life? Will it make a difference in eternity? Will today be the final page in your story? None of us know when the last page will be written.
These questions weigh heavy on my heart these days. I want my story to count for something – how about you? As some of you know, I have made some pretty big changes in my life over the past year in hopes that my story will end better than it started. You can too.
If you’re interested in hearing more, I will be at the “Big C” breakfast in Cranberry (Sheraton – Four Points) tomorrow, November 7th at 7:00am sharing my testimony. I will also be speaking in detail on this topic at New Community’s worship services (3100 Wexford Rd, Wexford, PA 15090) on November 16th, at 9:00am, 11:00am, and 7:30pm. I’d love to meet you and learn more about your story.
Comments are always appreciated. Enter them below or email Curtis at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
What Does It Take to Be Used By God? (October 15, 2008)
“In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him were seraphs, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And they were calling to one another: "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory." At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke. "Woe to me!" I cried. "I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty." Then one of the seraphs flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. With it he touched my mouth and said, "See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for." Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"
As I was reading this passage, I was struck by several things:
1. When God revels Himself to us, we are awestruck by our own sinfulness and lowliness. In a word we are humbled.
2. There is nothing we can do, of our own merit, to lift ourselves up out of our sinful state. We require a touch from God. Only He can forgive us our sins and restore us to a right relationship with Him, a relationship whereby He can have fellowship with us and use us to do His work.
3. God has work for us to do. He does not need us to do His work, but He does choose us to do His work. God chooses to accomplish His work though people like you and me.
4. When we have been humbled and forgiven, there is only one right response to His call on our lives, an enthusiastic, “pick me”!
This is an incredible foreshadowing of what Jesus Christ did for us. In the Gospel of John 1:1-4 it says,
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men.
The “Word” here is referring to Jesus. He was God’s perfect revelation of Himself to humans. As we come to understand Him, we are humbled by our own sin. He died and rose again to forgive us from our sin and re-establish a right relationship with God. He now calls on us to do his work as he says in Matthew 9:37-38, “Then He (Jesus) said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field."
For a long time I thought I was doing god's will, but I had not really laid down my life for Him to use me in ANY way HE wanted to. I always had my own ideas of what I should be doing for Him. It wasn't until He completely humbled my heart was I was ready to be used by Him the way HE wanted to use me.
Question: Have you been humbled and forgiven? If so, what is Jesus asking you to do for Him right now? Are you enthusiastically available? What will your response be?
Ties to Christian Heritage
While there is no known reason for why we ever decided to hold communion on a quarterly basis as opposed to monthly, it is important to understand why there is no cross on the building today. The following explanation (slightly editorialized by myself) was provided by our Teaching Pastor, Mark Bolton:
“The main passion of a church must always be giving glory to God. We do not answer first to our culture, not even to Christians or to our congregation. We first and foremost answer to God and must always give Him glory and honor. In the chapter 4 of the book, “Knowing God”, written by J.I. Packer (one of the greatest theologians of our time), you will see the case made for not using images in worship. This is a strong case, though it is most strongly against representations of God Himself, and the cross is not, per se, a representation of God. I would, however, add that the problem with the cross that is highlighted by Packer is that any image used in worship is necessarily and unavoidably limiting. It is part of the story, never able to convey the whole. So God has appointed a means to represent Himself. It is not an image of any kind, it is His Word. So a cross is a good symbol, it brings to mind the sacrificial aspect of the work of Christ. But it does not capture Jesus, for example, as reigning King. Again, a good symbol but limiting, which is what God is not pleased with.
A second reason we have eschewed employing a cross is due to the sense Hollis and I have had that many crosses just can’t capture the majesty of the work of Christ. They, due to their placement and design, sometimes seem ‘cheap’ if you will, not weighty enough.
A third reason, and a less important one, is that a cross allows the visitor, the spiritual investigator in particular, to make certain categorizations of you. It lets them put you in a previously conceived class of people of which they may have impressions that may not be true of you. For example, they may associate you with a Fundamentalist, judgmental group they have judged in the past to not be the kind of group they could ever imagine associating themselves with. Why put up a barrier to their keeping an open mind. This argument may be less valid than in days past. There is now, seemingly, a positive reaction to Christian symbology by the increasingly secular audience we may be drawing.
Now, having said all that, let’s put up a cross. But let’s not let ourselves or anyone who asks get the impression that our reticence to do so in the past was anything but a desire to correctly glorify God and invite His stray sheep to come to the real cross that doesn’t exist in wood or metal but exists in history as the place where our sins were atoned for.”
Well said, Pastor Mark! Thanks for keeping us well informed and for applying consistent Christian principles to an ever changing culture.
As always, your feedback is appreciated.
Comments below or email me at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
Director of Volunteer Management (October 1, 2008)
Volunteers are the backbone of every effective church. And service opportunities are one of the primary ways that people get involved and become integrated into a church. People today are in search of connectedness and significance. They desire to live a life that is meaningful to others and makes a difference in this world.
Whether they realize it or not, this is part of the way God spiritually wired us. Helping people fulfill these desires this is a critical aspect of a great evangelical church and is core to Jesus' commands to "love God and love others". Consequently, when we more effectively identify people's gifts and plug them into service opportunities, we more effectively fulfill the church’s mission (‘Big C’) and assimilate people into New Community Church (‘little c’).
Unfortunately, to some extent, our style of managing volunteers has taken the joy out of service. We do not very effectively recruit, equip, schedule, encourage, or celebrate our volunteers. In some cases, there is too much micro-management of the volunteers, which leaves them feeling less than empowered. At times we exert excessive control over the finished product, not allowing for a reasonable number of mistakes through which people grow in their abilities. Exceedingly high standards, along with a lack of equipping, cause people to have a fear of failure and squash their desire to serve. As a result, volunteerism is struggling in some areas and there is a need to re-energize and re-empower volunteers.
The Director of Volunteer Management position was designed to help solve these problems. The Director will be responsible for helping staff and lay ministry leaders define service opportunities and the skill sets they require. The Director will then assist staff and lay ministry leaders in recruiting, training, scheduling, managing, thanking and celebrating volunteers. The Director will assist in all ministry areas including, but not limited to, Women’s Connection, REAL Men, Small Groups, Guest Services, Kid’s Kingdom, Student Ministries, Tech Team, Music, and Missions.
The Director will also assist in the areas of assimilation – helping people get plugged into our church. She/he will do that by helping us to manage our newcomer follow-up process, inventorying skills, and connecting folks with service opportunities that match their skills and interests. He/she will also help to connect people into Small Groups that best fit their needs. The Director of Volunteer Management is a fulltime position that reports to the Executive Pastor.
Fortunately, the people of NCC are phenomenal in their service. Despite our shortcomings in managing volunteers, our people’s huge hearts and extreme desire to serve have motivated unselfish giving for years. To those I say THANK YOU!
Comments can be placed below or sent directly to me at csonger@new-community church.org
Mission & Values (September 25, 2008)
There is a whole host of Christian core values that I believe are part of the fabric of who we are. These include loving and worshipping God, loving His Word, believing it to be wholly accurate, sharing the Gospel with others, believing in salvation by grace, living out Biblical truths in all areas of our life, transforming our culture, believing in the one true Triune God as defined and revealed to us in Scripture, etc. These values are core values for NCC as a Bible believing, contemporary, Christian church.
However, there are an additional set of values that make our church the unique force that God designed it to be. These distinctive values include attributes such as:
• Inviting & Welcoming
• Warm & Friendly
• Loving & Non-Judgmental
• Authentic & Real
• Open & Honest
• Learning & Growing
• Serving & Supporting
But in this blog I would like to focus on the concept of “Vision”. I want to solicit your input on the NCC Vision. A vision for NCC is an image of the state of our church at some point in the future. It is a dream, a mental picture, an image of what we could be some day. It requires foresight, forethought, farsightedness, and imagination. It should be your view of what you hope our church is becoming as we pursue our Christian Mission, utilizing the unique Values God has given us.
For the purpose of this exercise, let’s set a target of 5 years from now. Tell me what characteristics and attributes you hope describe our church. In addition, tell me what the people are like, what the ministries are like, what the programs are like, what our goals are, what the facility is like, and any other thoughts you would like to share.
If you would like to post your thoughts online, click on the word “comments” below. I understand this can be very personal, so if you are uncomfortable posting your thoughts online, simply email them to me at csonger@new-communitychurch.org
These Are Exciting Times at New Community Church! (September 5, 2008)
Let me mention just a few of the things that have happened as a result of your input. We, as a church, are reconnecting to our roots. As mentioned in an earlier blog, we are rediscovering our distinctive values: inviting & welcoming, warm & friendly, loving & non-judgmental, authentic & real, open & honest, learning & growing, serving & supporting. As a result, there was a 90% sign up rate in the most recent covenant membership class. Covenant membership will continue to be rolled out this fall and everyone will have the opportunity to participate.
We have stepped up recent efforts to strengthen communications including the weekly update, slide loops, weekly email blasts, physical posters, web site content, more announcements during worship service, a sign for café, and the launching of the XPastor’s blog. And we regularly “check the pulse” of the congregation on key issues using the ‘Question of the Day’. One result is that our web site visits have climbed from 1900 per month to over 4000 visits per month! However, there is still more that can be done and is being considered: a monthly newsletter, regular disclosure of high-level financial and attendance information, and more congregational meetings (including a monthly Executive Pastor “fireside chat”).
There is a greater priority for prayer than there has been in some time. We now have a published list of prayer requests and are tracking approximately 50 prayer requests. The contact cards have provided a means for people to share their burdens and requests for prayer. People are stepping forward to participate in a new prayer ministry. This includes “Prayer Time with the Executive Pastor” before each service and an intercessory prayer time on Thursday nights.
Our staff is growing. We know have a Director of Operations (Mark Kelly), a Director of Volunteer Management (Vicki Carlson), and may be looking for additional help in Marketing & Communications as Sandie Grindle begins to shift her emphasis more towards Family Ministries. In addition, the Care Response Team has increased in size as they expand their ministry to cover more people with pastoral-type care who are not currently in Small Groups.
People are sensing a positive shift in the worship services. Many people are commenting on how the services seem more intimate than before. We have put the greeting back in the worship service, the music sets in worship have become longer and more intimate – drawing people closer to God a better preparing their hearts for the message. In addition, café has improved, a community café awning is being planned for year round café, and newcomers are being identified and tracked using the contact cards.
There is a growing desire for deeper spiritual growth and connection. We are in the process of putting a cross on the building, communion has moved to a monthly occurrence, and our hunger for deeper discipleship is growing. In response to that hunger we are about to launch TLC@NCC, a new discipleship training program on Thursday nights. Also, mini-mission projects are being defined for all people to be able to participate in (small groups, ministry-based groups, families, and individuals).
New and innovative methods of bringing back the “buzz” about NCC are happening. These include large community events like “Around the World in 180 Minutes”, the upcoming Steve Fee concert, and programs which generate more external traffic through our facility (e.g., ladies boot camp, Act One, hockey dinner, and KinderMusik).
There is a renewed pride in our facility. We have been cleaning, repairing, organizing, and changing the building to create a more pleasing and presentable facility for worship. And some of the best is yet to come! Come to services on Sunday, September 7th to lean more…..
The bottom line: At the end of the spring this year, our attendance was down 15% over the prior year. But there was a sense of excitement that the tide was turning. Going into the summer, we usually drop another 9% from summer vacations - this year we only dropped only 2%. In the last 4 weeks, we have been experiencing unusually high attendance - 15% higher than last year. Coming out of the summer we usually pick up another 15%. If that happens this year, and it looks like it will, NCC will return to record high attendance levels in the very near future! But numbers are not the most important thing. I believe there is a spiritual awakening going on here. We are poised for some of the most transformationally deep spiritual growth we have ever experienced. God is preparing to take us to new levels of intimacy with Him and with His people. These truly are exciting times at NCC!
Please post a response below or email me at csonger@new-communitychurch.org