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Thursday, July 30, 2009

How to Avoid the Five Threats to Oneness & The Death of a Marriage (July 30, 2009)

The five threats to oneness, which lead to the five phases of marriage deterioration (both of which were described in my previous blog), can be avoided by understanding and practicing God's purposes for marriage, God's plan for marriage, God's process for marriage, God's product for marriage, and God's power for marriage.

The Bible gives a great blueprint for each of these concepts. It describes the five purposes for marriage. If these purposes are lived out, then the marriage is fulfilled (and is fulfilling) as God intended. God's plan for marriage is based on unconditional love and acceptance. God's process for marriage includes understanding a husband’s and wife’s roles and responsibilities, as well as practicing good communication techniques. God's product for marriage includes two great outcomes: achieving oneness between a husband and wife, as well as leaving a spiritual legacy to future generations.

Finally, the secret to having a truly successful marriage lies in activating God's power in your marriage. How well you do this lies in how effective you are at submitting to the power of the Holy Spirit. In Isaiah 53:6 it says, "All of us like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; but the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Him." It is only as you yield and submit your life to God, obey His Word, and deny yourself that you can experience intimacy and build a truly godly marriage.

I’ll explore each and every one of these concepts in future blog posts. In the meantime, if you have a question about any one of them, please comment below or email me directly at csonger@new-communitychurch.org

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