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Monday, July 27, 2009

What is Compassion Day & Why Are We Doing It? (May 10, 2009)

May 31 New Community Church will have a unique opportunity to show the love of Christ in very real and tangible ways to our community. We will be sending out 30 to 60 teams of people to serve our community, our mission partners, the general public, and the underprivileged. There will be teams that will do construction and repair projects, landscaping and cleanup projects, visit and minister to those in homeless shelters and convalescent homes, and more. Each team will be composed of 10 to 15 people spreading God’s love and sharing His compassion with others in need. We are calling this event “Compassion Day”.

Compassion Day will launch a renewed effort of ministry to the elderly, the homeless, and others in need as we begin to build relationships and share the love of Christ through “mini-mission” projects. This form of “servant evangelism” is exactly how Christ reached out and transformed lives. He first served a need, and then showed a person the only way of salvation. On May 31, we ask each and every one of you to not just go to church, but BE the church!

People can get involved by submitting project ideas, signing up to lead a project, joining and serving on a project, or working behind the scenes to help enable our Compassion Day (e.g., purchasing and transporting materials and tools, preparing food, providing childcare, etc.). People can indicate their area of interest by visiting the Welcome Center to register their willingness to help, contacting the church office, or calling/emailing Vicki Carlson. At a later date, we will provide a number of opportunities to join a pre-defined project team such as signing up at church, or calling the church office at 724-935-0909.

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