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Monday, July 27, 2009

Patricia Okerlund, My Mother-In-Law & Sister In Christ (November 7, 2008)

Many thanks to Sue, one of our NCC receptionists who wrote these kind words for me…..

My dear wife, Martha, received news that her mom, Patricia Okerlund, passed away last night. She was living in the state of Washington where several of Martha’s siblings still reside. We celebrate knowing that Pat knew the Lord intimately. In the words of one of our children, “Grandma is spending her first 24 hours with Jesus” as we speak. May we all draw great comfort and joy looking forward to that GREAT day when we spend eternity with the God who made us for that very purpose. Please keep our family and Martha’s siblings in your prayers for opportunities to share their love, their stories and memories all in a way that God would be known and glorified.

Serving an Awesome God

In my prior blog, I talked about your life being your story, a subset of God’s story. Patricia Okerlund wrote a fine story and we will miss her often as we reflect upon it. Her legacy includes 5 children and 10 grandchildren who are all busily writing their own stories now. We all knew she had begun her final chapter, several years ago. In her last months she loved listening to Scripture, praying, and talking about God with my wife. While she had been fading for some time, I don’t think any of us really expected the final page in mom’s story to be written so soon. I hope your story finishes as well as hers did.
In the perspective of eternity, “see you soon, mom”.

Her son-in-law & Brother In Christ, Curtis Songer

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